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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

A Threat To Democracy

Before i begin have to mention that there is some great footage of the Trump rally in South Carolina out there. Iit's absolutely amazing Will be posting it the next time around.

Let's talk about the big topic this election year. The threat to democracy. We'll begin with 2016.

I remember the Trump rallys where the audience chant was lock her up, meaning Hillary. I don't recall Trump ever saying lock her up.

If i'm wrong let me know and provide the proof. I have to admit i don't recall it,but doesn't mean he didn't. I'm fairly certain if he had i would remember it. i do remember it being a staple of audience chants.

The one time he mentioned something that could be the equivalent was during a televised debate with Hillary Clinton. Trump quipped, "you'd [Hillary] be in jail."

What was behind the lock her up chant and Trump's alluding to jail time for Hillary? It didn't come out of thin air. It was Russia gate aka Spygate.

Comey enumerated all the crimes she committed and then bascially exonerated her. She even destroyed evidence.

Truthfully, there was grounds for her to go to jail. Strip away all the reasons you might think justified what she did, it really comes down to people wanting to keep Trump out of office,including her campaign of course.

This is exactly where we have to begin. The lunacy around keeping Trump out of office.

It's one of the reasons i suspect J6 was a set up. They've made it clear they would do anything to stop Trump so why not set up the riot on J6?

They had already used Antifa/BLM to riot and cause chaos thinking it would destroy Trump or at least help destroy Trump. If the anarchy and mayhem in the streets didn't bother them, setting up a riot on j6 would have been no big deal either.

It begs the question, what will they do in 2024 to stop Trump?

What is their narrative again; their justification for trying to destroy Pres Trump? "He's a threat to democracy". Their words not mine. You mean to tell me voting for the candidate of our choice is a threat to democracy? They seem to think so.

BTW. They is my referring to the whole cabal including media. The political group behind stop Trump is revealed at the end by Matt Taibbi in the video. He will tell you who 'they' are.

Back in 2016 what on earth prompted them to go to the lengths they did to stop Trump? He never held office. Their wasn't any inidication he was going to be a Hitler. Now that he's running again there is nothing from his 1st term in office that indicates he's a Hitler.

He had the popular tv show the Apprentice. He ran a successful real estate business in spite of a few bankruptcies. He was a philanthropist using his millions to help out good causes.

He probably supported as many Democrat cadidates as he did Republicans. He was identified as a liberal more often than not though i doubt he was an ideologue then anymore than he is now.

People are quick to put labels on people when it comes to politics. Nothing Trump did in his life ever suggested he was going to be a dictator or pose a threat to democracy.

I do recall 2016 was expected to be a rematch of Bush vs Clinton. Everyone figured Jeb would be the Republican nominee and Hillary would be the Democrat's.

Trump put a monkey wrench into that story.

He came down the escalator and the first words out of his mouth were that Mexico was not sending their best. Immigration and illegal aliens were the core of his message.

That and America First; the 2 are connected. It's what the American people were waiting to hear from someone. Long overdue.

MAGA was born. I have no clue why he was such a threat that they would break the law and use our intel agencies to go after him.

They wanted Hillary and they were willing to do anything to get her elected.

I know that much.

Everything they've accused Trump of doing they are actually doing or have done.

They said Trump would never leave office. Staff packed up the Trump family and they left for Mar A Lago. We knew Trump wasn't going to do all the things they claimed he would.

You know who doesn't want to leave?

Joe Biden. The Dems would prefer he let someone else run. Barrack Obama is pulling his strings & running the show.He has been for the past 3 yr. Biden has no idea what is going on. He's checked out mentally.

You would think Obama could persuade him to step aside. If Obama can't get him out, no one can.

We know these bastards are up to no good.

The American people get it. That's why every time they pile on a new indictment or spread some story about Trump his poll numbers go up.

They are handing him the nomination and will end up handing him the presidency.We highly value our right to vote for the candidate of OUR choice.

Here's the deal. MAGA is not going to resort to violence. I don't care what Obiden says about MAGA.

Forget J6- that's over. We'll talk about that set up another day.

I assure these people; if they go ahead with their nonsense the Democrats will never win another election and neither will the co-operating Republicans.

Someone in their cabal has turned & exposed them.

There must be one or 2 good people who know what they're doing is wrong and they're leaking the plot out to the public. The cabal better watch their backs in their own ranks.

Someone in there knows what saving democracy really means. You don't destroy democracy to save it. Utter nonsense. Either someone has seen what is going on and didn't like it or they were already infiltrated by a patriot.

They went after Matt Taibbi so he made sure the story got out there. There will always be patriots who appreciate our Constitution and respect our republic. Share with everyone! He spells out who 'they' is and names names.

My husband had a theory of why they opposed Trump a strongly as they did including some Republicans. He said that he wasn't part of the club and they resented his going around them.

I think that's part of it.

They can usually buy someone off and peddle influence in DC. i think with the neo cons it goes a little deeper. It's the idea that they're in charge of the clubhouse and only they get to decide who gets the password.

It's a little of both; money and power.

i've said it before but it's worth repeating. They don't understand that Trump is not an ideologue like they are [on both sides of the aisle].They think everyone is an ideologue.

Trump beleives in America Firist. It's that simple.

MAGA is not a group of domestic terrrorists like Biden and the cabal are trying to convince the public.

We're just the people next door-your neighbors and possibly a family member or 2-who love their country. We are not going to resort to violence but we're not powerless either.

What they're trying to do is wrong. It's everything they accused Trump of doing.Now they'll have to be more determined to stop him.

Why? He knows where the bodies are buried. He's going to let Joe off though. There's good reason.

He knows what Biden did was corrupt but he also knows Biden is mentally gone and by the time he is out of the White House he won't be holding up; If he lives that long.

Joe would have to stick his little toe out of the White House door and be citizen Joe before he can be indicted.

You can't indict a sitting President. This Justice Dept under Obiden are there to protect Joe and his regime so they wouldn't go after him anyway.

Trump is right. Indict him at the ballot box.

They should have impeached Mayorkas. There were 3 weak kneed Republicans who did the usual. We have to primary these people. We're going to need warriors to do battle alongside Trump. [Figuratively speaking FBI].

In a world that was fair Biden's corruption would have been exposed and he'd have been held accountable.

In a fair world the traitors behind the scenes would be held accountable. The attempted coup of 2016 failed but they have never stopped trying to 'get Trump.'

In a fair world most liberals like Taibbi would realize how wrong this is and the majority would stand up against it in spite of their feelings about Trump.

In a fair world their lawfare would fail and justice would win the day. It may yet.

You don't have to like Trump to know this is banana republic stuff and they're the ones 'destroying democracy' NOT Trump.

Thank God someone on the inside of the cabal decided enough was enough. Trump and MAGA are going to be the ones to save our Republic.

If the traitors are plotting, rest assured we're plotting too. The difference is we respect our Constitution.When it's all said and done it's the one thing that matters.

The MAGA numbers are growing. Trump can win. The battle is just beginning though when he makes history and returns to the White House. Trump said it himself. It's the final battle.

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