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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady


Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Pres Trump appointed 3 new justices to the Supreme Court who made it possible for Roe V Wade to be oveturned. They were Kavanaugh, Gorsech and Barrett. IMHO both sides of this issue had unrealistic expectations of what this inferred. These ppl thought it was going to end abortion once and for all. It did no such thing but it did get it out of the hands of the federal government and gave people more say in restrictions-and yes, in some instances, depending on the state, could ban it altogether IN THAT STATE.

This is exactly what overturning Roe v Wade did-sent the issue back to the states-and out of the hands of the federal government-to be decided at the state level. Oddly enough Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed that is where the laws re abortion should have been decided in the first place. She strongly believed Roe v Wade was poor law.

Still it was a great victory for the pro life movement.Now we have to talk about this because the Democrats have owned the narrative from the very beginning and they use this one issue to win elections. In Pennsylvania a man who could barely speak, who had suffered a serious stroke and is hardly functional now, actually won the election. Not because he was qualified [far from it]but because he was pro abortion. He didn't run on anything else so the Rep lost for several reasons but this was definitely one of them.

Lesson: we have to speak about abortion and not be afraid to admit we are pro life.

Pres Trump is right; we have know how to talk about it.

That's what we're going to talk about here.

  1. Pres Trump's main point is right. The Democrats are the radicals-not us. They liked Roe V Wade because it didn't have any limits. You could terminate a pregnancy at any time.The Democrat governor of Va. said you could consider terminating the life even after the baby was born. That's infanticide.

  2. I happen to disagree with the President slightly. It's his take on the exceptions but most of the country is with him on this point. He beleives that there should be 3 exceptions; rape, incest and the life of the mother. My problem with carving out exceptions is that you go back to making the issue subjective. Abortion is either murder of the innocent or it's not. They're all difficult situtions but abortion is not the answer. The life of the mother situation is almost always an ecoptic pregnancy; where the procedure used is NOT an abortion.The baby has not implanted where it can survive and would die anyway. The life of the mother must be saved and the consequences for the baby are unavoidable;you don't want to lose both. As a Catholic per Catholic teaching you don't want to deliberatly kill the mother or baby. There's the difference. If losing the baby is an unintended consequence that's totally different than taking steps you know will kill the baby.

  3. What about rape and incest then? So here is how that is going to go.The rapist can escape. The mother suffers twice-the assault and now the abortion- while the innocent party gets the death penalty.

  4. When i was growing up abortion was illegal and it was very rare. The assertion that making it legal would make it rare was a lie. It was already rare.The no of abortions per year are always astronomical whether they go up a little bit or down a little bit. The numbers have been consistently high.

  5. We have to be realistic though and here's where it gets tricky.

  6. When Roe v Wade was 1st overturned the Republicans in Congress decided it was time to put a ban on abortion [PERIOD] just when the Court had sent it back to the states to be decided.Did not go over well with the public.Good idea, bad timing. We win one battle then lose the next.

  7. [Realistically] for now we may have to accept the 3 exception rule but stand firm on when life begins.

  8. When you say it's not a baby until it's born is like saying a cat isn't having kittens.


cats have cats & we call them kittens. human have humans and we call them babies

Fact: every human being who ever walked the planet,including us, started out the same way. It's a human life at every stage of development and when it's born it's a human life. It's a human life from the moment of conception; started during the first step of the reproductive process-sexual intercourse between a human male and a human female.We either protect human life or we don't. When we pick a time each of us think it's ok to abort we're basing the decision on subjective opinion. I guarantee the answers to the question-when is it ok? -would be all over the map.You get 50 ppl and ask them when it's ok and you could get close to 50 different answers. Every single one of them would be subjective. If we make the decision based on objective reality we have to admit it's a human life and must be protected.

The problem we face is that the majority of people in our country support Trump's 3 exception rule. There's no getting around it. If we assert that there should be an abortion ban with no exceptions we are not going to get pro life people elected. IF pro abortion ppl get elected instead it's not going to help us out.Anotherwords the problem is not going to be solved by the laws we pass. The fist line of battle here is going to be for the hearts and minds of our citizens.We have grown our movment. Hearts and minds have been changed over the years. There is a lot of work to be done yet, but we have made progress. The pro abortion crowd is louder and still has more clout but our crowds keep growing larger every year.That's a good sign. Hearts and minds first, THEN law.

When people begin to reject abortion as a solution then the tide will begin to turn.People will accept the laws that protect the uobrn. Sorry to say we're not there yet and the best we can do is try to win local/state elections with our message. The Democrats are the radicals. The laws should be decided by the states where the decision is closet to the people.We ALL want abortion to be rare and 63 million plus is not rare. We will always protect women's rights-nobody wants to take away women's rights. We have to decide whether taking the life of the unborn is a right or not. Planned Parenthood is always talking about choice but they have never offered any.It's abortion come hell or high water all tax payer funded.Ask them if they offer adoption services. Ask them if they offer support for women who choose to go full term and give birth. Ask them if they have a problem with offering women a sonogram. If not, why not. Finally ask if they would consider any restrictions. Put them on the spot for a change.

i don't doubt they will accuse us of wanting to imprison women for having an abortion. It's never happened; not even when it was illegal.Ask them if they believe they reached their goal of making it rare.Above all point out they are the radicals and why. Don't be afraid to talk about it. If Pres Trump can call them out for the radicals they are maybe we need to grab onto that narrative too rather than allowing them to call us extreme. There's nothing extreme about wanting to protect human life & include helping the mother.


🌹the truth has no agenda

Note: the entry should end here. the space continues on. no idea why this has happened. i just hope it's the first and last time it happens.

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