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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Abortion: Difficult Issue (we need to talk about it)

Updated: Apr 24

We have a lot of important issues to confront this year so why pick this one?The Democrats were going to try and use it as a wedge issue. They recently tried but with the illegal invasion on our border, inflation hitting us every time we turn around and the MIddle East on fire it didn't make the headlines the way they were hoping.

John Fetterman won a Senate race in Pennsylvania by making the abortion issue the centerpiece of his campaign. The economy was just starting to go south. We're now in a crisis. As noted i don't think it's going to be a big deal this time around.

People have too much on their plate.

We can thank Pres Trump for Roe v Wade being overturned. The Democrats went crazy. They were sure abortion would be banned.

A lot of people on both sides of the issue thought overturning Roe v Wade would put an end to abortion. All it did was send it back to the states to be decided.

Ironically, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, probably one of the most liberal justices ever to serve on the Court, always thought it was bad law. She would not have been disappointed by the decision.

However, there were some conservatives in Congress who did want to federalize it again. IMHO it was not a good idea. It had just been taken out of the hands of the federal goverment.

The minute a pro abortion candidate would be elected to the White House they would also want to federalize it and give us abortion on demand. A move like that cuts both ways.

The media went right to Donald Trump and tried to trap him but he had already made his opinion known. He sided with the majority of the American people. That is, abortion should be illegal with exceptions in the case of rape,incest and the health of the mother.

The bottom line here is that it's Trump's opinion and has no bearing at all. He's entitled to it but opinion is not law. Trap failed. (The American people agreed with him anyway).

Abortion was the issue that drove me out of the Democrat party. I'm pro life, PERIOD.

The question shouldn't be, when is abortion ok. The question should be, IS abortion ok?You can look at the issue subjectively; people will have different opinions.

The objective truth is that abortion terminates an innocent human life.Margaret Sanger,the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an advocate for eugenics.

The same eugenics that Sanger used to justify extermination of the black population Hitler would use to justify extermination of the Jewish population.

“The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal … we do not want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it occurs to any of their more rebelious members”[27]. Sanger, therefore, clearly understood that only setting up these clinics in southern regions with black populations would be scrutinized and called out for what they truly were, so she sought to find ways to manipulate the public into trusting her clinics.

Black or Jew the first step in implimenting eugenics is to dehumanize the target [victim]. Sanger used the next step; manipulate the public. Make sure you write the narrative and control it. You don't have to convince the convinced. You have to convince the public at large.

It's going to require verbal engineering aka word smything. The final step is propaganda.

So why was abortion the issue that drove me from the Democrat party? My parents were Democrats till the day they passed away.I had no negative feelings toward the party at all.Quite the contrary.

We were Kennedy Democrats.

When i graduated from high school in 1970 abortion was still illegal and by the way rare.

I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to kill their own baby. The battle over legalized abortion was tearing the country apart. Unfortunately the voices in the pro abortion movement were drowning out those of us who were pro life.

The left had become powerful. We had a Democrat governor in Pa. who was pro life-Casey-and the party simply ignored him. A pro life Democrat doesn't have a chance.

The Democrat party made legalized abortion a part of their platform.i've watched our country lose a respect for life with dire consequeces. Show me that's not true.The majority of abortion [so called] "clinics" are in minority communities. Margaret Sanger would be thrilled. He goal is well on its way to being acheived.

The back alley abortionist became a respectable business. It's definitely not rare anymore. There's money to be had and that means our politicians are compromised. I watched the confirmation hearings for justice Clarance Thomas.

The Democrats were viscious, unfair, corrupt and cruel; it all came down to his being pro life. They couldn't have it, even though Thomas was highly qualified.

Joe Biden was the worst.

Biden put a good man through hell. Thomas called the hearings a 'high tech lynching'. The Dems always want to televise the hearings for conservatives; they want to keep the hearings for their people under wraps.

Where are we at now? The states get to decide. Some states will ban abortion altogether. Others will allow abortion with restrictions. Abortion will win or lose in the court of public opinion then be decided at that state level through the ballot box.

If a woman wants an abortion she can get one. BIden-Harris will fear monger. They will claim Trump is an anti woman [misogynist] willing to take away her 'right' to an abortion and put her life in danger.

It's like the old campaign that Republicans are going take away your social security.My parents were beside themselves every election year; they got the letter from AARP warning them they would lose their benefits.

It never happened, but you always knew when it was an election year.

Democrats are going to use abortion the way they previously used social security. Biden can't run on the economy or a successful foreign policy.

He's been terrible for the country so out comes the wedge issue of abortion. Trump has no designs on the issue. NONE.

I don't even agree with his position of exceptions but i do understand the thought behind it.

As long as he doesn't meddle with state's rights and tries to impose his position on it we're good. Besides the Democrat's position is so radical they would federalize it again and impose abortion on demand.

Word: Don't fall for their trick. Abortion is a non issue at this point. Don't let Biden use it.I feel for any woman who is in a situation where she doesn't see any option but abortion. When you're willing to go that far you're desperate.

I know rape and incest are horrific situations. They are also illegal and very serious crimes.i can't see that the innocent [the unborn]should be given the death penalty. The perp is likely to walk. An abortion is no skin off his teeth.

A woman's life IS in danger when she is having an ectopic pregnancy. The procedure to stop it is NOT an abortion; the deliberate and intentional act of taking a human life is.

There is no choice with an ecoptic pregnancy. The mother's life is at risk.The pregnancy didn't just end; it never really began.The Dr. must try to save the life of the mother. It's a no brainer.

The Democrats on the other hand have seriously considered allowing a full term baby to be born then die. That's infanticide. They want NO restrictions and nothing to stand in their way.

Maher should look into the stats on population. He's wrong about over population. In fact, a lot of countries are experiencing problems due to a low birth rate.

The myth about overpopulation began with a book titled the Population Bomb. China created its own disaster with it's one child policy and had to reverse it. Do your own research on the topic. The facts are out there.

Would i like to see our country become truly pro life again and go back to the days prior to 1973 when abortion was actually rare (NOT 93 million and counting)? Absolutely yes but it's a question of how we get there. Our work in the pro life movement comes down to changing hearts and minds first.

Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute...[keep in mind]research shows 3 out of every 4 sexual assaults are not reported, and out of every 1,000 rapes only five perpetrators are convicted. 

I wasn't shocked. i wasn't even surprised. It should give people something to think about. Maher's an honest guy. You may vehemently disagree with him.

You may believe that he's wrong;more often than not i do. You may think he's obnoxious but you have to admit he's honest,outspoken and authentic. You will never catch other liberals being that honest.

What should the pro life movement do now in this new arena? What we should have been doing all along and have to a great extent. What i already said bears repeating, CHANGE HEARTS AND MINDS.

Expose the left for being the radicals they are.Grab the narrative, change the language. Speak with compassion and empathy. The general public isn't necessarily on one side or the other. They want to be reasonable and are more apt to agree with Pres. Trump.

The question re abortion is not when it's right.For every person there is a diferent 'acceptable' time period. The issue is wether it's right at all; if it's wrong at 6 months it's wrong when life begins. The objective truth is that it's wrong or right PERIOD.It's too serious to leave to subjective opinion.

I know that there are different terms for different stages of development. Zygote,embryo,fetus. People don't usually speak in biological terms.

When a woman learns she's pregnant she says she's pregnant or having a baby.Nobody uses the biological terms. I've never heard anyone find out their pregnant and call it a zygote, embryo or fetus.Who talks that way?

I know that every human being begins the same way.You and i began the same way.How could anyone who was given the gift of life for themselves deny it for MILLIONS of others?

I know that the reproductive process begins with sexual intercourse between a male and female and ends with the birth. How about making the right choices before we get pregnant? Can we take responsibility for our own actions?

We have to know that the possibility of a pregnancy is a big deal. The baby cannot survive outside the womb without proper care.

Inside or outside the body this is a totally dependent human being for years.

The zygote, embryo, fetus (or baby; your preference) is inside the mother but it's not an organ. Pregnancy is a condition;not an illness or disease.

You're talking about the existence of 2 different beings so saying 'it's her body' is ludicrous. Democrats use bumper sticker slogans. They don't like to get into the weeds. It exposes them.

A baby isn't something you remove like it's a diseased organ.We all come with our own DNA. We start out as human beings and develop as human beings.

We can oppose the Biden regime on plenty of issues that matter to the American people especially the economy. It affects ALL of us. I wouldn't be afraid to confront Biden or any Democrat on the issue of abortion either.

When they bring it up we don't need to avoid it. Call them out on their fear mongering.

I decided to close out with a quote from Mother (Saint)Teresa's National Prayer Day Speech re abortion.

It's one of the most powerful speeches i've ever heard on abortion and she had the courage to give it in front of the Clinton's (Bill was President) and other Democrat officials in DC.

By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

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