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Anyone Willing To Go Out On A Limb? Check This Out

Writer's picture: NoBull_LadyNoBull_Lady

The only allegation re Pres Trump i never touched was the Stormy Daniel/ Michael Cohen story. When the accusation about Stormy Daniel first made the rounds i had to roll my eyes. Stormy and Trump? Really?

We all knew Trump was no saint long before he ran for Pres. The rep we knew he had was that of a young,brash, playboy,right?

His name was associated with some of the most beautiful women-well known in their own right. They were typically models.

One affair broke up a marriage. He didn't have a totally outrageous record of getting around but he wasn't faithful either.

However, when the story about Daniels broke out my first thought was-no way on earth. Did anyone else think that too?

He was married to Melania Trump at the time. They had a long relationship prior to their marriage. He seemed to clean up his act this time.

Melania was beatiful, intelligent and successful.So he went off with this porn star named Stormy?

He would be willing to risk his marriage to Melania to have an affair with a woman i doubt he'd ever have had as much as a passing association with?

In what circles would these 2 have even run into each other?

Trump was incredibily rich. He couldn't have afforded a hooker; he'd go with a porn star that was risky at best? In more ways than one. I'm not excusing any of the behavior. All i'm saying is that a person in his circumstances such a relationship was not impossible, just highly unlikely.I'm definitely not saying he's Saint Donald either.

i will note that Trump never did anything that would denegrate the office of the presidency. It's also worth noting that Trump never claimed he was a person of high moral vitrue in his youth.He still doesn't make that claim to this day.

Besides, if someone cleans up their act we should be willing to accept how they are now, not how they were in their past.

We've all made mistakes haven't we? It's one thing to refuse to learn from them and not change course but we can give credit to people who overcome and do better can't we? i've seen the left excuse plenty of awful behavior.

The left always wonders how Christians could vote for Trump. They have to be kidding? Any other time they attack Christianity.

Don't let them get away with it.We can vote for Trump because one of the main tenets of Christianity is redemption.

They don't get that. We can vote for Trump because he's willing to protect freedom of religion. OUR freedom. We're permitted to follow the dictates of our conscience without government interference.

They'd prefer government take away these rights. The minute they question us for voting for Trump as Chrisitans remind them how little they think of Christianity any other time.

Love it when they quote scripture. i doubt they've ever picked up a Bible. We know they disregard what it says 99% of the time.

He might have been an unfaithful husband but he was always there for his children.

They turned out incredibly well. You have to admit he couldn't have been a horrible uncaring father. It's quite the contrast to the Biden children wouldn't you say?

It's even a contrast to Pres. Clinton who couldn't keep his immoral behavior out of the White House-he denegrated the office.

I have to give credit where credit is due for the most plausible explanation i've ever heard.i don't buy conspiracy theories and try to stay away from titles that look even a smidgen like click bait. The explantion comes from a Brian Craig podcast.

In fact, a reader at my word press blog criticized my titles for being lame. It was constructive criticism because it's true. For one i hate coming up with titles.

For another i refuse to do click bait so my titles are bound to be dull*

i like Dan Bongino's rule of thumb when it comes to reports; better to be right than first.

Now that i've put up all these qualifiers let's consider a possibility. Give it some thought and see if a light bulb doesn't go off.

Trump didn't have the affair with Stormy. Remember that gut reaction of no way-there is a way and that way could be one sleezy lawyer who committed perjury.

Michael Cohen had the affair and didn't want it to get back to HIS wife.Brian Craig posited this scenario. i didn't think it was the least bit off the wall. Trump-no way. Cohen-hmmm?

He paid Stormy and put it down as a legal process when he billed Trump. It was again on that Brian Craig podcast a valid point came up from a caller.

Trump would not have written the check. She noted to Brian that when you run a business-as Trump does-your accounting dept takes care of bills which would include one payment to Michael Cohen for a legal process.

Cohen was a lawyer for Trump at one time. Trump is being charged for one legal process and the media paints a picture of Trump sitting down writing out a check.

Not the way it works. i doubt Trump ever writes a single check for anything he's billed for.

i wish i had saved the podcast. Now i can't find it.

The caller had a valid point that i haven't heard anyone bring up at his trial.

It would back up Brian's conjecture about Stormy and Cohen but it's just as valid if there's nothing to his conjecture.

I hope i'm not adding anything to the sensationalism surrunding the trial. I'd go with Mark Levin and his actual legal analysis.

Not getting much of that from the media. i hate to think i'd contribute to their useless reporting. Levin knows his stuff.

The media seems to think it's amazing how well Trump is doing in the polls given all the garbage(my word, not theirs) going on in the courts.

What they don't get is that Trump is going up in the polls BECAUSE OF the lawfare; not in spite of it. The American people are sharp. They're a lot smarter than these high paid fake "reporters". I wouldn't assume he had the alleged affair with Daniel's either.

He's never denied the other affairs he had. His life has always been an open book. An attorney charging him a legal fee is not a crime. I wouldn't assume anything Cohen claims as a witness is the gospel truth. He went to prison for perjury. He's a credible witness?

*i've been trying to come up with better titles since then. Do my best.



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