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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Brian Craig (Brian Craig Show) Makes A Great Point Regarding The Election

The Iowa caucus is going to take place in 2 weeks. Jan 14th is the day. It will be the first votes cast for 2024. It's not the general election of course but it's the very first step in getting there.

Everytime they piled something on top of him the poll numbers went up-the opposite of their plan. They were sure the indictments would get MAGA to drop him like a hot potato. Nope. We dug in more. We're unshakeable.

There is a problem though. Let's stamp this in our brains. Polls never win elections. Votes do. Ask Hillary. If anyone can vounche for this it's her.

Polls are meant to be an indictator but they don't count polls on election day, whether it's the primaries or the general.

The polls are looking fantastic for Donald Trump. The President is beating Biden in the general as well. No matter how good the polls are, they don't count polls in election day

They count votes. The polls don't matter unless the actual votes back them up.It bears repeating often. I can''t wait to vote for him though. Bet you feel the same way don't you?

There's a psychology that goes with polls. Let's say your the bottom of the barrel like Chris Christie for example.

It has already dawned on you his chances of getting the nomination are slim to none based on the polls.

People figure it's a waste of time and stay home. They don't vote. He may get a handful and the votes willl end up looking like the polls.

Now let's suppose there is a candidate in 2nd place and the numbers are starting to go up. The no 2 spot isn't a terrible place to be.

The supporters realize if they can turn out the vote they stand some chance of winning the nomination in the Republican primary.

They turn out the vote and may even gain some from the momentum, albiet a slow rolling momentum.

Doesn't matter as long as they get good turn out. If they're close to taking the top spot, voter turn out could make a difference. They're well aware of it too. They have a great incentive to work their butts off for voter turn out.

Now let's suppose your candidate is in the top spot and taking off like wildfire. The polls say it's going to be a slam dunk.

Everything's coming up roses. It's all really good news. This is a terrible spot to be in actually. Sounds like a contradiction doesn't it?

When the poll numbers look like a hopeless cause most people throw their hands up in the air and stay home.

The problem with being on the top is that the supporters get complacent. They beleive it's a slam dunk and their vote isn't going to matter.

The candidate is going to win. Over confidence spells death to a campaign as much as no hope at all spells death.

The person in the best spot is the underdog that has a shot whether it's a good shot or a long shot. We have to have the incentive of the underdog.

The truth is we can't take this election for granted at all.

Besides winning we have to win big with historic numbers this time.

Why? It sends a message.

Both to the establishment left and right aka the uniparty.

On top of that the establishment needs to be shaking in their boots and the one way to get them fearful is,again, to have historic turn out. It matters. It tells them the people are totally behind this candidate.

Biden and his cabal are going to be watching this turn out very closely. Count on it.

Unfortunately for the Dems if Joe doesn't want to get out of the race he won't. Anyone believe Joe would step aside for the good of the country?

After everything this guy has done to destroy our country they better not hold their collective breathe.

We all know the Dems will cheat. It's the only way they can win. We know this from the elections of 2016 and 2020. Don't let this keep you home for an instant.

More reason to vote. We swamp em it overcomes any fraud they might perpetuate. When the numbers are large enough cheating doesn't matter.

The candidate can win anyway. The votes more than make up for it. Turn out matters.

We know how important the 2024 election is but the primary comes first. Trump must win the nomination. Then we turn our attention to the general and work 2x as hard.

If we let the Dems win,especially with Biden, the country is done for and 2028 won't matter at all.

Iowa and New Hampshire are coming up fast. The first handful of primaries are going to tell us everything we need to know. Good voter turn out will assure us that Trump is going to be the nominee.

Now let's see what Brian Craig has to say about it.These primaries will tell us how strong MAGA is. This will be the first real test. Let's make history!!

#Where MAGA Goes To Talk"

Team Trump Iowa Event
Featuring Eric Trump

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