President Trump talks like a guy from Queens(NY). Pres Trump IS a guy from Queens*. He didn't go to Harvard, Yale or Princeton.
He attended the Wharton School of Business in Pennsylvania. After he graduated he followed in his father's footsepts in real estate.
He spent nearly his whole life in the private sector before he decided to run for President.He said if it ever got bad enough he would run. It got bad enough.
Joe Biden on the other hand was born in Scranton Pa. The family moved to Deleware where he grew up. Joe would attend the University of Deleware and of course plan on practicing law.
The truth is Joe was not a particuarly bright student; although if you listen to him talk about his acedemic accomplishments you'd think he was Einstein.
He graduated at the bottom of his class. He knew a thing or two about plagarizing. The leftist media actually called out Joe in those days.
Joe Biden was going to be the guy who would bring normalcy back to the White House. He was the gentle old uncle who would never send out a mean tweet.
Joe's checked out mentally. He's not sending out any tweets. He can't put a coherent sentence together let alone a tweet. He can barely read off a teleprompter.
He'd kiss babies and hug grandma.He was known as"lunch bucket Joe" but having never worked a day in the private sector it was more a persona the media gave him than the reality of Joe's life.
I'd be willing to bet most of the people who voted for him probably didn't know a darned thing about him.
He was one of the nastiest people during Clarance Thomas' confirmation hearing. Thomas did not deserve the treatment he was given. He was highly qualified. What it really came down to is that he was pro life.
People may not believe it now but Biden was definitely racist back when. The Southern Democrats at that time were racist.Let's remember the southern states rose up against the north over slavery and self rule. The Civil War was the manifestation of an actual [armed]insurrection against the established U.S. government.
He [Biden]"also led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students. His legislative work against school integration advanced a more palatable version of the “separate but equal” doctrine and undermined the nation’s short-lived effort at educational equality, legislative and education history experts say".
I wish someone could send me a mean tweet that Pres Trump had sent out. I'd never seen one. I know he didn't tolerate the fools in the media at all. We're just used to the Republicans being wimps; ready to capitulate at the drop of a hat.
This wasn't Donald Trump. They often accused him of being racist but his past history shows otherwise. Unfortunately nobody will ever hear about it with our state run media getting orders from Joe and Obama.
The truth is a little hard to come by these days.
"The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'" - Thomas Sowell
I could cite plenty of examples of both men and prove that they're nothing like the media made them out to be. Joe was not the civil rights advocate he claims to be and Trump was not even close to the racist, bigoted man he was made out to be.
He just didn't go around blowing his own horn about it.
The media had this habit of editing out President Trump's comments to make sure he was painted in the worst possible light.
As for Joe, they always covered for him.They still do and right now this lying for Joe is putting us in an incredibly dangerous situation both from within and without.
With the threat of nuclear war and terrorist attacks we can't afford to have the media lying for Joe.
Domestically we're in a terrible spot.
I know that the left is furious with Trump because he opposes the fundamental transformation of our country into a communist state. He stands in their way. They can't have that.
I say whatever issues they have with President Trump it's THEIR problem, not ours.
The people who cry about him the most are the people most unaffected by Obiden's destructive policies.
They have a wall around their homes. They have armed security guards to protect them. The cost of groceries and inflation have very little affect on them. If things get too bad here ie economic collapse they can always head out to another country.
Sanctuary cities sounded like a noble idea until they actually had to provide sanctuary for a massive invasion of illegals. I've got news for them; if Joe gets us nuked they'll suffer as much as the rest of us. There will be no escape.
I think one of the things that puzzles the liberals is they can't comprehend how someone who is flawed like Pres Trump [and the rest of us btw]can be supported by evangelical Christians.
First of all, they don't have a leg to stand on. They loathe Christianity anyway; who cares what they think. They especially loathe people who try to live out their faith.
Biden and Pelosi are supposed to be Catholic. They prefer power.
Again, they don't have the time of day for these Chrisitian values-they're in no postition to lecture anyone about them.
I love when they selectively quote scripture especially when we know they seldom have the time of day for it. I highly doubt they've spent more than 5 minutes in their whole lifetime reading the Bible.
Trump will protect our religious freedom. He respects our right to exercise freedom of conscience. He is not going to force the immorality of our secular culture on us.
He's not our Pope,priest, pastor,rabbi or minister. His duty is to protect OUR religious freedom and make sure we aren't persecuted. That's it. They don't seem to get the Christian concept of redemption either.
i have a big problem with the left not comprehending our Constitution. It only seems to matter to them when they can find a way to abuse it.
Unfortunately i don't think the current generation of young people have as much as read it or studied it. They can be easily manipulated.
They don't get the importance of the document. They're not known as useful idiots without good reason.
They think President Trump is a criminal. They can't name the crime. They have no problem with the protestors of January 6 being locked up without a trial or the unreasonably long sentences for some of the perpetrators.
They don't get what due process is, let alone why it matters. They're accustomed to getting their own way. They never grew up.
She screamed out loud the day Trump was sworn into office in 2016. That iconic image is representative of a generation of adults who know nothing but getting their own way.
If she looks like a 2 yr old it's because you've seen 2 yr olds acting exactly the same way.She's a small problem compared to the Democrats who will lie, cheat and steal for power.
She's nothing in comparison to the Deep State and Never Trumpers opposing the one candidate that we can actually get behind.
We get to decide. We get to vote. Look what the Democrats did to their own. Trump went against the establishment and won. Bernie Sanders tried it and sold out to Hillary. Robert Kennedy Jr wanted a 2 man race in the Democrat party for 2024.
Look where he's at now. You hear much from him anymore? IMHO the Democrat party would just as soon Joe step aside but if he doesn't want to go they're going to be stuck with him.Joe is doing what they said Trump would do. Refuse to leave office. Remember that?
i see his 'pal' Obama is featured in an ad with him. Joe barely whispers out his lines. He can yell when he wants to though.
Truth: they can't stand each other but if Obama wants his 3rd term to go forward he will back Joe. Biden doesn't have the cognitive ability to govern. He likes the perks of being President. They're scratching each others backs.
Obama is the only former President to reside in DC after his final term. All his people were placed in the Biden administration. He stayed in DC for a reason. The name Obiden administration is about right.
Biden does his bidding. Obama supports his re-election. Obama weaponized the Justice Dept and FBI. This is what President Trump is up against. He's trying to save our country.
Think what you like of him you have to admit he did a fantastic job as our President. At the least admit he had our best interests at heart and the folks loved him as much as he loved us.
I voted Romney and McCain both as much as i couldn't stand either one of them. I plugged my nose because they were the nominees.
Thank you establishment for getting behind 2 of the worst candidates though Obama ran such a good campaign i don't know that even a good candidate could have beat him.
Now it's your turn to get behind the candidate of our choice for a change. He must have done a great job because the left is definitely terrified of him.
DeSantis and Haley should suspend their campaigns and endorse Trump. It's time to see the handwriting on the wall. MAGA is not going to support anyone but Trump and there isn't a candidate who can win without us.
Haley is a terrible candidate. We know there are Democrat operatives funding her and with the Carolina primary being a cross over the Dems have a plan to vote for her. Who in their right mind would vote for a Republican candidate using Democrat voters to destroy the front runner against Joe? If she actually does well in the primary you can thank the Democrat party and their dirty tricks. It certainly wasn't us.
Why would any Republican primary allow the opposing party to vote in their primary? It's suicidal and not too smart either.
DeSantis had a good shot at 2028. Biden is the worst candidate but with the power of the federal government going after his presumed opponent we need all hands on deck here.
This is the final battle. Trump MUST win.
We know there are plenty of Republicans who would just as soon destroy MAGA. It's them-McConnell and his ilk-or us.I wouldn't bet the farm on them.
I hear that some people voted Biden because they didn't want the chaos that comes with Trump.
Of course there was chaos. You're up against ths status quo, the establishment, the Deep State, entrenched swamp creatures, uniparty and back stabbers.
He was going to be the nail in the coffin of everything that has been wrong with D.C. My dad was an interior decorator. He used to say it has to look worse before it looks better. True.He had a point you could apply to other situations.
* Dan Bongino is a Queens guy too. You want to get a flavor of how a Queen's guy talks/thinks tune into Dan Bongino.