Biden was just an awful candidate. He hid in the basement while Trump was working his butt off traveling to different states for his rallies. We can keep in mind most of us knew Biden was in cognitive decline.
I know i could see it and questioned his fitness for the office. When he started campaigning it wasn't too bad but bad enough to notice something was up.
However,the Democrats knew and that includes his running mate Kamala. She spent nearly 4 yr with the man. She had first hand knowledge of his condition and his progressive decline.
When you campaign your staff can put a lid on events and keep you out of the public eye. It's not the same when you're President. You almost have to be out there. You can't always hide.
Here's the real deal. Kamala could have invoked the 25th amendment anytime. In fact knowing what she did about his condition she should have.
When Joe had the debate with Trump he was fully exposed. I don't believe they saw that coming. Kamala was still defending Joe AFTER that nose dive claiming he was "as sharp as a tack". (Our eyes and ears work Kamala).
It wasn't but a short time after that they 'persuaded' Joe to suspend his campaign. He should have resigned from his presidency but as i noted Kamala should have invoked the 25th as soon as they knew. What they did was outrageous.
Think about it-REALLY think about it. The Democrats ran a guy who was in mental decline, hid him from the public and picked someone for VP that accused him of being racist.
Further this now VP candidate did so poorly during their primary that she quit. She quit before she even went to Iowa. She did that badly.;think it was 0%.
Now she's all these things that she wasn't before. Ask what her record was in the Senate. Yes, she was in the Senate. Doubt you knew.
The media lied and carried water for Kamala. We all remember them making a big deal of her being the border czar. Now they're trying to gaslight the public into believing she was never the border czar.
Surprise, Surprise when Biden endorsed Kamala and they inserted her as the top (and ONLY)Democrat candidate WITHOUT A SINGLE VOTE. It's known as a coup. They would have you believe they are "saving democracy".
We're talking about the same media that pushed the Russia Collusion LIE against Trump for nearly his whole first term then hid the Hunter Biden laptop during the 2020 election.
Who in their right mind would trust these people? I could list off a whole slew of LIES they spread about Trump while they were covering up for Biden but the Russia Collusion LIE alone should have been enough.
Tell me one thing Kamala has done to make her a viable candidate for the presidency. Tell me what you think she would do as President.
Tell us why we should vote for her, other than she's not Trump.We know that much already.
Here's our problem as Trump supporters. I thought Trump could win 2020. Hands down he was a better candidate than Joe.
The economy did very well under Trump; his policies worked and we were just bouncing back from the pandemic. Trump actually got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. Biden hardly campaigned.
I kept hearing about a landslide and a red wave [on Twitter/X].
At the same time people like Glenn Beck were trying to get a warning out to the folks about some monkey business by Biden supporters.
It was dubbed the Shadow Campaign and they had the cajones to brag about it to Time magazine.
This tells us they don't care if we know;they don't care if anyone knows.
So here's my warning:
I don't care how well Trump is or isn't doing in the polls. I don't care how lousy a candidate Kamala is.and let's be honest, she is pretty lousy.
There's 2 things we can't fall prey to. One is believing we have this election in the bag.Remember the landslide and red wave we thought we were getting in 2020.
The other is believing Trump doesn't stand a chance and becoming despondent.
Bottom line is we MUST vote and really turn it out!
Bank your vote early if your state permits. The goal is to beat the Democrats at their own game this time.
I wouldn't put anything past the Democrats. VOTE anyway and get everyone you know to vote.
Check it out !!!!!!! This will help.