For those who have a basic knowledge of American history they know that we were founded on Judeo-Chrisitan principles. They weren't atheists. Jefferson was a theist but he certainly understood the princples of Christianity and Judaism. The words endowed by our Creator were calculated. They meant something.
Our founding fathers understood our rights came from God, not man. They knew that when men thought it was their place to determine our rights they became tyrannical.
These 2 documents-the Constitution and Declaration of Independence-founded a government unlike any other in human history. They put safeguards in to protect the rights of the individual. While these princples would always remain unchanged the country would always be a work in progress. One thing you don't monkey with though is our foundation.
They knew how important it was to enumerate our freedoms. They had lived under the tyranny of King George. You should read the list of greivances they had against him!
People can argue all they want [& do] but there's no denying religious principles played a major role in our founding. Freedom of religion had a special mention.
They had no intention of setting up a theorcacy. Every time a candidate wears their faith on thei sleeve the left panics. Freedom of religion means you can pick your own creed or even reject religion altogether. I don't get why they go crazy. i know what a theocracy is-the framers had no intention of setting up a theocracy but they did not what the state to butt into the churches either.
It used to be you could pray in schools, say the pledge and in the parochial Catholic schools and evangelical Chrisitian schools you could learn relgious beliefs. it took an atheist to impose her rejection of religion on the majority. It should never have happened. She was free to reject it. She made it an issue when there was none.Nobody was infringing on her rights.
President Trump gets it. The role of the state is to protect religious freedom. We don't do that we're lost. The Soviet Union didn't do too well with its imposition of atheism. Nazi Germany didn't do to well with its imposition of atheism. I've never seen any country do well when they made the state god.
Freedom of religion ranks right up there with freedom of speech and press. We need freedom of religion to be a moral people.We need to be a moral people to protect our God given rights.An immoral people will abuse [their]freedom. Our Judeo-Christian roots have always been a shared value. These shared values are the 'glue' that holds us together. People who live their Christian or Jewish faiths make for a better community and country. I know this-Obiden has been attacking the churches & Chrisitan based institutions. The left can't understand how Christians and evanglicals can support Pres. Trump. Trump respected our religious freedom. It's that simple.
"Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom". Patrick Henry
Where we have lost our way.
respect for human life. This is our most important virtue. If we don't protect human life none of the other rights matter.The whole fabric of civilized society breaks down. Violent crime becomes rampant. Communities fall apart. The government no longer cares about protecting its citizens or their rights. We lose what makes us human at all.
due process in our legal system. Once it's gone, this is when justice goes out the window. The people in power become above the law. The people without power become subject to tyranny. They're stripped of due process. Nobody is equal under the law. Everything depends on what the people in power decide.The citizens have no idea what the legal system is doing...whether it's law or lawfare in operation until they're the victims of lawfare. When they can indict a former President because he's a threat to their hold on power we're no longer a constitutional republic. In fact NONE of us are safe anymore. If a former Pres has lost all his rights we don't stand a chance.
we have more information than ever and less interest in it. This is when the government can resort to censorship and propaganda. We've ended up with state run media.Freedom of the press is dead. It's why the Russia Collusion Hoax (Spygate)went on for 3 yrs but we never heard a peep about the Hunter Biden laptop.People could do their own research and find the truth but they'd prefer either bias confirmation or being spoon feed the 'news.' Some of us aren't falling for it. We need a majority of our citizens demanding a free and fair press.
the government itself is lawless and the people in power are corrupt. They have no respect for our unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We're being told that DIE is more important.
Our children are being idoctrinated and sexualized through state run education. The state is taking away parental rights. This is not going to make for a better society.It's defintely not going to make for a better educated population in the future. We're watching a breakdown in the nuclear family. No society survives without it.
The state is Marxist. They're removing our shared history. Pres Trump warned us what would happen when we let the mobs remove our historical statues. They've made their way to George Washington our founding father. It's not just the statue they're trying to remove. It's a step in erasing our history and rewriting it to suit their agenda.
They believe the Marxist state will lead to utopia. Our Judeo-Christian heritage knew that utopia could never be acheived in this world. The founders never made any such attempt. They realized we needed a government-albiet limited-because men could be corrupt and that ANY government had to be formed with the consent of the governed. They gave them power so they could represent us and they put in checks and balances to keep that power under control. Government is necescssary but it is never our god.
Equity makes everyone artificially equal but they can be equally miserable. They set the bar so low there's no effort to improve one's station. Our founders offered us dignity irregardless of our station in life. Diversity destroys the things that unify us as a country. Inclusion depends on who the people in power think we should include. None of this works.
The United States was the 1st country to abolish slavery when it was a common practice world wide. Now the people in power have enslaved our citizens all over again. Anyone who is totally dependent on the state is a slave to the state. We care for people who can't take care of themselves but it's not compassion when the citizens are beholden to the state. The founders were big on our dignity as human beings. Most of the time we've counted on neighbor helping neighbor in time of need and only depended on the state when it was absolutey necessary.
Do you recognize the America we used to know? Can you tell something is wrong? Do we respect our Constitution or is the state using the Constitution to destroy it? Is there an abuse of our freedoms? Are we a virtuos people? Are the voices of our law abiding ciitizens being heard or are the lawless getting a pass?