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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Great Polls, Questionable Turn Out

Remember just a few short years ago we were talking about the Red Wave? Yes, we gained a few seats and a majority by the slimmest of numbers in the House but the red wave never materialized.

The Democrats had a field day with that one. Say what you will about them; they can turn out the vote!

Did they rub our noses in it.

They knew too. They kept predicting a blue wave and got it. We were sure we had it in the bag and they were blowing smoke.

It looks like Pres Trump is doing remarkably well in the polls this year. Some people are talking about a landslide. i can't imagine Biden winning a 2nd term after this 3 yr disaster.

I caution against thinking we have this wrapped up. [You know, anticipating a red wave].

We're better off voting like we're the underdog down by a few points than we are by thinking there's no way we lose and our own vote isn't going to matter.

An article from the Hill makes the point

"...the reality is that having an exciting candidate does not significantly affect overall turnout.
Few people today would put either Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford in the same class as Ronald Reagan in terms of generating voter enthusiasm, but the turnout in 1976 was higher than in either of Reagan’s victories".

Recent Special Elections may be a good snapshot. Dan Bongino addressed the problem in his Rumble podcast a few days ago and it's worth a listen.

We're not getting the turn out we need. This may or may not affect the general election in Nov but it's causing me to worry some.

Some people may say the Democrats are going to cheat anyway, why bother? Yesh, it's likely but that's MORE reason to vote than to stay home. Pres Trump sums it up; make it TOO BIG TO RIG.

He's right. There is alway some fraud in any election. The idea that our elections are as pure as driven snow is nonsense.

The idea that 2020 was the first time anyone ever cheated is nonsense. The truth is, turn out overcomes it and we get a good result in the end; in spite of any fraud.

i've written about 2020 several times-am not going to cover it again. We have a few months to go. I want to pound home turn out for 2024.

The polls are looking great but we simply can't take a win for granted.

Don't count on the other person, the unknown, to vote for you. Your vote matters a lot. We have always said your vote counts because it does.


Check your state. Get more info. Some states are permitting early voting. Vote early if permitted, vote by absentee if you're permitted etc. Whatever your state permits.

This way you can be sure your vote gets in there when it's always possible you may not make it on election day.

Whatever it takes as long as it's legal is how i look at it. Take advantage.

If you don't feel comfortable unless you vote on election day then by all means, vote on election day.

We have to win this one. You and i both know Biden has checked out. He's corrupt but combine that with being cognitively impaired.

I'm no doctor but it looks an awfully lot like dementia. If it's not, it's close.

The Hur report said it was useless to bring charges against Biden. Yes, he allegedly broke the law but a jury would never convict him because he's mentally impaired.

Bottom line is that Biden got a free from jail pass because he's not mentally up to a trial but he's up to the task of President?

Fight the good fight, then vote.

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