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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Is A Confrontation Inevitable?

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Civil War?

Are we headed towards civil war? Seems like. Could i be over reacting? Yes. Is it inevitable? i don't know. What bothers me immensely are some of the things we've been forced to accept.:

It bothers me that there are people who accept them because they've been convinced it is wrong of them not to.

It's 1964. You tell me that it won't be long before people belieive homosexuals can be married. i'd say you had lost it.

Further, you say you believe the gay lifestyle will be celebrated, publicly no less. i'd think you were really crazy and way off.

First of all, i know what marriage is-it's between one man and one woman. Maybe homosexuals will get a piece of paper but they won't actually BE married.

Everyone knows why the gay lifesytle is kept under wraps. It's not a pretty sight. Who in their right mind would celebrate that stuff publicly? The less we see, the better.

As for the less we see,somebody should have told that to the Senate Democrats. Don't take movies of your activities. Better yet, keep it at home.

If you'd say all that now- not in 1964- you'd be called intolerant and homphobic(a word we never heard of in 64).

It's 2023 and you've been conditioned to accept same sex marriage, the gay lifestyle, people having surgery [including children] to alter their genetalia to the other gender, men sharing women's bathrooms...on and on.

Who knows where we'll be 10 yr from now. Disordered behaviors have so permeated our culture that those who don't accept them are considered the odd one out.

Some of us are tired of having it shoved in our faces.

There's a lot of things being shoved in our faces.

What you do is your business. Don't make it our business. I supported Clinton when he passed DOMA. It's a shame we needed it. Obama struck it down.

Would somebody pls defend the nuclear family and marriage? Could we have a place in our culture for a normal family that holds our society together?


We're terrorists for supporting Pres Trump.

The event on J6 is being called an insurrection. Trump is a fascist/dictator when he was the one lied about and spied on by our own government. It was Trump who was banned from social media and his supporters who were censored.

BLM, Antifa and the Democrats were the ones who broke the law and tried to remove a sitting President. They rioted the day Trump was sworn into office. There's pictures and video. We all watched it. They got a slap on the wrist. The Trump supporters are sitting in prison.

BLM & Antifa rioted again in 2020. They tried to burn down St. John's historical church in DC. They made an attempt to get at Trump in the White House. They injured the agents guarding the parameter. Lucky they didn't get shot.

The threat was serious enough that the Secret Service forced the Trump family into the bunker.

We watched BLM and Antifa burn down our cities, remove our statues, vandalize federal property and attack law enforcement. They even murdered people.

We didn't see them denied due process, get the knock on the door (FBI) and tosssed into prison.


I will say this about MAGA. We do not condone violence.We are patriots. We believe in the rule of law and the Constitution.We don't have to wear masks when we protest. We're going to the ballot box in 2024 to elect Trump and remove Biden.

We can't wait to do it the right way. Did some people riot on J6? Yes they did but most of them protested peacefully as Pres Trump asked them to do.

There was only one person killed that day and it was a Trump supporter by the name of Ashli Babbit.

They still can't be denied due process,riot or not, and they were denied.

We watch as Biden breaks the law by ignoring our immigration laws and letting millions invade our country endangering our own citizens.

Yet, they waited 3 yr and decided to go after Trump with bogus charges intentionally during an election.

Let's be honest. They want Biden's opponent in prison so Joey baby can win the election.They know Trump is beating him and they can't have that-as much as Biden is totally incapable of handling the job [mentally impaired]and is corrupt as hell. They know it. We know it. They don't care.

Who cares that he's crashing the economy and has us on the verge of WWIII.

He can't spit out a complete sentence, find his way down a set of stairs or know where he's at but let's have him in control of the nuclear football.

Jill Biden said they would bring back decency to the White House. Who remembers it had ever left?

What have we seen so far? i'll be blunt; transexuals showing their breasts on the White House lawn, someone twerking at the costumed Easter bunnies, drag queens prancing their way around the halls of the White House for the birth of Jesus (Christmas).

Jill has a strange idea of decency. How does she feel about her husband sniffing women's and young girl's hair?

How about Joe's son doing blow and buying hookers (possibly minors)with thousands obtained from foreign countries-even our enemies?

They had a grandchild they wouldn't acknowledge. How decent of them.

Our White House is full of transexuals and transvestites and then they find cocaine in the White House but can't seem to find the dealer who left it there or the user who picked it up.

There's no answers and we know there aren't going to be any.

Remember unifying Joe giving the blood red speech in the dark flanked by 2 Marines? The left attacked us for pointing it out. I ask you; have you ever seen ANY President giving a speech like this one? Ever?

Over half the country opposes him. We're all terrorists? Joe was trying to terrify his opponents. It only made him look terrible when he claimed he would be the one to unify the country.

What he means by unity is mindless sheep.He wants us all in line supporting a guy we know is mentally checked out. The Democrats know it. The left knows it. The media knows it.


They just don't want the American people to know it but it's too obvious now. They have no choice but to get us in line. Scary speech is supposed to do it. You don't want to be one of those ultra maga terrorists,right?

Match up the optics with the words and you know it was all intentional.

I know that the left thought we were asinine for taking Joe's message the way it was intended but can you imagine Trump doing the same thing and what they would have said?

The White House does not set up these scenes by chance. They are always well planned out in advance. You don't get 2 Marines flanking you by calling them up at the last second.

Presidents have given a speech considered this important in the Oval office from the desk. This was a first. It's lost on the left; unless it would have been Trump.We're the crazy ones because our eyes work?

How about the Biden DOJ targeting devout Catholics and parents exercising their free speech rights? How about the rise of anti semitism supported by the Democrats and liberal univerisities?

They call this tolerance after all the garbage we've had shoved down our throats?

There are thugs roaming our streets attacking innocent people and looting stores with impunity. They're destroying black communities when our black citizens are law abiding people.

They pay the biggest price for this rampant lawlessness.

They're trying to push the Trump supporters into violence.This is why we must wait and do things the right way. They want us to act out.

You can see everything they get away with. I get that. Our day will come and we'll do it by the book.We respect our Constitution. They believe it's irrelevant.

Remove the optics. How about Joe's rhetoric? It was intended for anyone who opposes him. He made it clear that anyone who opposes him is a terrorist.

Believe me he's going to run and the Dems will support him. Biden does not want to leave the White House and he's going to do anything he can to stay there. It is what they said Trump would do. They do a great job of projecting onto Trump and the MAGA supporters.

Forget Kennedy if you don't want Biden. They're already destroyed him. [Bernie they bought off for Hillary]. Biden can't beat Trump & they know it.

They'll have to run election interference through lawfare and if worse comes to worse imprison Trump or have him assassinated.

All the media has to do is persuade some lunatic,which they're trying to do; then they can blame the lunatic. You think the media would take any responsbility when they don't have to?

i believe the American people are sharp and will support Trump even if he's wrongfully imprisoned. They've supported him through the impeachments, the Russia Collusion lie, the Mar A Lago raid, the false charges and the indictments.

A lot of people can see right through it now, not just the MAGA family. The day he's assassinated may be the last straw. Our vote is the only power we have. If Biden takes that away it won't go over well.

i don't think we ultra maga Trump suppporters would be the only people enraged by the Biden regime.

I'm sure at that point we could descend into a civil war. Would there be a choice? i'm not advocating for anything. It's a legitimate question the left should answer. Maybe the media better stop lying to the public.

We love our country like Trump does. We don't want it plunged into darkness uanble to come back.Once they destroy our Republic they'll live with what they get. They're not going to like it.

Venezuela voted themselves into tyranny. It's over for them. They were disarmed. They have no way to defend themselves against the dictatorship they put into office. It's a sad day when the government has all the weapons they need at their disposal and you have none.

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