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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

It's Very Disturbing. People marching in OUR streets for Hamas

If you support Terrorism against America and Israel pls leave the country now and live where people agree with you.


i wish i could find the tweet of video from Chicago. There was a large march through the streets for Hamas. I don't know how true it is-though nothing would surprise me-but have heard there are ppl in Congress flying flags of Palestine.

If it's true, it's probably the anti Semitic group known as "the squad" flying it. They are never censured or disciplined. There are no consequences. Maybe the Democrat party IS anti-semitic.

This is very disturbing. You come to our country we expect that you adopt our values. Maybe you have to slowly shed yours when they conflict but over time our values should become part of your character.

They should be ingrained. We don't expect people to give up their culture or religion. In fact, we welcome those because of the mosaic it adds to our own culture.

We do expect that you believe we ALL have God given unalienable rights. We believe in due process and the rule of LAW,not men. Our foundation is based on Judeo-Christian principles. but we are not a theocracy.

It would conflict with freedom of religion.The state is not God [tell that to liberals/communists].You're free to practice your religion or not practice any at all.You have to respect the right of others to practice theirs free from fear or even people who choose not to believe.

We always wish everyone would come to believe in God, but fear never drove anyone to truly convert.

Set an example and pray for them. Chrisitans don't typically attack non Chrisitians, bomb their homes, kidnap their families or rape their women.

This would violate the commandments we believe we were given by Jesus Himself and it's also against the law in our country. it would not be tolerated.

Our military is expected to conduct themselves the same way even on the battlefield. In fact, they are required to avoid civilian causalties not inflict them.

Beleive me, if it happens, there are consequences the least of which is a dishonorable discharge.

Besides, when there is collateral damage in battle and we try to make restitution there is an outcray from the world community. We are always condemned no matter how much effort we put into avoiding it.

They do the same thing with Israel. If Israel tries to defend itself the world community is on their side for a short period but then they start calling for restraint no matter how much death and destruction the terrorists cause.

i've seen this movie too many times. I think this time Israel is in for the long haul and will totally ignore the outcry from other countries.

This recent attack was so horrific i believe they are going to aim at putting an end to Hamas once and for all.

I read that Qatar is trying to negotiate a prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel. I also heard a contradictory report that Hamas threatened to kill one hostage for every missle Israel launches.

Both can't be true and i'm not sure whose word we should take to be true but my gut tells me Hamas. Here is the problem.

The Israeli's are not going to stop their response because they know as well as most people do,that Hamas is going to kill all the hostages anyway.

Dan has it right. He's worth listening to here. Let me say this too. Our government and state run media are trying to convince people MAGA are terrorists.

The admin is treating us as such. The media started their talking point of 'deprogramming' the cultists (MAGA)when Hillary passed the word along.

Every anchor,reporter and journalist supporting the Democrat party [close to all of them;remember this is state run] used the exact same words. [What a bunch of parrots].

They're not worried about the border though or that criminals/terrorists can easily invade us; highly likely they already have. It's an open invitation to a terrorist attack in our country and it's not us 'cultists' plotting it.

i didn't know that if you decide to vote for a candidate and they happened to be running against the person in the Oval office that you were in a cult.

We're not plotting an attack. We're totally commited to getting our candidate elected. It's not a one party system last time i checked.

The cult happens to believe in our Constitution, of respecting the rights of others, our Judeo-Christian values and being a law abiding citizen.We support our military.

Our children voluntarily join that military and go into battle when the people who call us cultists send them. They go for love of country. Something we instilled in them from the time they were young.

We used to think highly of our FBI and our system of justice. There's still none compared to it anywhere in the world but it's a little hard to keep faith when we're the targets and we see a 2 tier system of justice.

What we don't appreciate is having to watch one small group of people destroy the integrity of our premier law enforcement agency [FBI]and our fair and impartial justice system be weaponized against our own citizens.

Meanwhile people who are not citizens invade our country then have the welcome mat layed out for them. They're breaking our laws but they get a pass.

The cult stands for our national anthem and puts their hand over their heart to say the pledge of allegience. They try to raise their kids to be decent people and good citizens.

Yes, we support our candidate. We're bound and determined to get him elected. Here's a real shocker. When the leader of our movement is gone after his 4 yr term or when God picks his time MAGA will still go on.

We'll still love our country.

We'll still pray for its leaders. We'll still work hard and pay our taxes. We'll still see our sons and daughters go off to fight your wars if called on.

We'll still believe with all its flaws and checkered history that the Consitutional Republic we live in is the best form of government for we the people.

NOTE TO THE TRUMP HATERS: Biden better hope to God the terrorists don't have a plot in the works.

While you're watching us Trump supporters calling us cultists and terrorists maybe you should be watching the real thing instead.


America First! 🎉

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