you thought you saw a brain freeze. Nope. Joe had a cold.
Joe must have a lot of colds and they must think we're really stupid.
One problem for Joe at that debate is Joe had to think on his feet for at least an hour. He can't do it. The Biden campaign set the terms for the debate. They can't complain.
Let's suppose Joe did have a cold and sore throat the night of the debate and had a rally the next day. Yes,he was slightly improved during the rally.
Some people were shocked by what they saw at the debate-they realized the condition Biden is in.
Most of us knew all along. Anyone want to venture a guess how the media will spin it? You know Joe and Jill are not going to leave the White House right? They would have Pres. Trump in prison then watch the economy crash and still not give up the White House.
Spin away people.
You see they already sent the higher ups (among them Obama) to talk to Joe and Jill and knock some sense into their heads. It didn't go as planned; we know Jill isn't budging.
We could have told them that. Maybe Joe thinks he's doing ok. If Joe does stay in he will have to have Trump locked up.
It's why he never really campaigned and spent most of his time in hiding. He doesn't do press conferences. NONE. Nobody noticed?
We've never seen a President that didn't do press conferences. Some did less than others. Some did them on a regular basis. Joe Biden has effectively done 0 [zero] and never takes questions; if he does he has notes he reads.
Nobody added all this up and said there might be a problem? He spouts out word salads and can hardly read a teleprompter. Yes, there are days he seems lucid but there are too many times you can tell something is horribly wrong.
I think the reason debate night was so shocking to many people is that the media couldn't cover for Joe-people realized it wasn't the Republicans making it up.
This was in real time.
No, Joe Biden is not up to being President and the Hur report all but said so.
He's too far gone to stand trial for possible crimes but he's up to the office of President? Now you see why he wants to put Trump in prison.
You don't think our enemeies can't see this? They probably know more about what's going on than most of us.
You do realize how dangerous this is for our country? We have a mentally compromised President and they have nuclear weapons.
The other problem was-the main problem-is that both men have a record and Joe's is indefensible. No amount of professional gaslighting can change the facts.
He tried to pull every lie about Trump out of his ass and got them confused at times;other times he didn't realize they had been debunked.
It didn't stop him. He just rattled the garbage out as quickly as he could.
There were no fact checks. You know what-we don't need any. Our eyes work.
This tweet took me back to Trump's inauguration in 2016. Remember? Remember hearing the words insurrection and the FBI hunting these perps down?Who heard the Democrats tell them to stop and condemn them?
Trump is not the danger the Democrats would have people believe. He did nothing in the 4 yr he served that they claimed he would do.We heard all this before.
Joe Biden is the danger and they wanted you to think he was sweet old lunch bucket Joe from Scranton,Pa. He was involved with his son's businesses when he claimed he wasn't and taking money from China,Russia and Ukraine.
You see the media can project whatever narrative they want you to see and will LIE if they have to. They are not a disinterested party trying to report news.
They support a particular candidate and will do everything in their power to help get that person elected.
They're hoping most of the public is disinterested and lazy when it comes to politics.They want people to assume they're doing the investigating for you so you don't have to and everything they're reporting is true and accurate.
I'm sorry but you have to pay attention and do your own research. You can't take the word of a CNN or MSNBC network.
Think. Pres Trump is 78 yr old. Never had a criminal record. He was in the public eye for years and under more scrutiny than most politicians. There's nothing about his personal life people didn't know.
He's made enough money and been in real estate long enough that his taxes are audited every year. He's never had a problem with the IRS.
He had a very successful reality tv show. He doesn't drink, never got involved with drugs. His children are decent people-not perfect by any means of course- who did well in their own lives.
Now, after all this time, he's nailed specifically in an election year when he's the nominee for the Republican party? Funny how the timing has worked out isn't it?
Nobody, but nobody, could be stupid enough NOT to figure it out.
Video from the Biden rally included.I'm sorry, but he's still out of it. If i were Trump i would decline the next debate, but it's up to him isn't it? I don't see the point. We're not going to learn anything new or we don't already know. They both have records to run on. I'd leave it at that.If Trump decides to go through with it I would insist Joe have both a drug test and cognitive exam just like Trump did when he was in office.