Some people will take issue with the title. Hear me out and it can be proven that the statement is accurate.
Let's not confuse liberalism with liberty. It looks like the word liberalism comes from the word liberty; that may be true but they are 2 different concepts.
Liberty is another word for freedom.Freedom is the right to do the moral good or ought. We are free to live from an oppressive government, person or institution that prohibits us from living out our God given rights.
We are not free to commit morally depraved acts ie murder, rape, theft.People do. We can choose to commit them & there are consequences. We still don't have the liberty to do them. We can choose to do a lot of terrible or ignarant acts and some have more serious consequences than others.
Nobody will force you to go to work on Monday but you'll lose a days wage, could get fired and possibly be unable to pay a bill or go hungry for a week.There's no law against it.
We do have the unalienable God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If you think we are free to do whatever we want and that is liberty you are sadly mistaken. You live in a community where you are assured your neighbor won''t rob your house, destroy your property or kill your family. It's because we agree that in order to have liberty you also have to be free from the tyranny of individual persons or outside groups at large.
The framers of the Constitution called liberty-true liberty that is-an unalienable right from God then they layed out the LAWS that would govern the new country and protect our liberty.
Laws never stopped men from committing evil acts. In fact illegitimate law will codify evil. The Jim Crow laws were the perfect example of codified evil. Thankfully in the United States we had enough godly people that recognized it for what it was and those laws were abolished.
Liberalism claims we're free to do whatever we want;of course we are. I'm not making the argument we don't have any choices.
We're not trying to be absurd. We don't want to get too complicated but the liberalism we're looking at arose out of the Great Depression where the argument began over whether the government should intervene and how much it should be involved.
"Due to the economic crisis facing the United States at the time, the federal government undertook a high level of intervention in the economy in hopes of helping working-class people. In general, this had a profound effect on the United States and resulted in a dramatic shift in American politics. The best example of this is the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the creation of the New Deal. As stated previously, the New Deal was a collection of policies and programs aimed at stabilizing the economy, combating unemployment and ending the panic of the economic collapse that began with the stock market crash in October of 1929. The implementation of the New Deal saw the United States combine aspects of socialism with its more capitalist history"
Ronald Reagan knew where liberalism was headed.We were warned. Marxism/Communism takes advantage of civil unrest. It doesn't have to be large scale discontent either. They can easily infiltrate liberal groups. In fact liberal groups are often Marxist sympathizers or they willingly adopt Marxist ideology. BLM is a good example. Antifa is a good example of fascism;ironic since these Soros funded anarchists claim to oppose fascism.
The problem begins when government is allowed to replace the institutions that have held up our social construct for years. It goes without saying once government replaces those institutions that our culture is going to change.
The nuclear family is the cornerstone of a civilized society. We learn the values that are passed down through generations. We're socialized to be able to function in society.
Our education begins in the home.
We learn who we are in our families. A healthy family life is the glue that holds everything together. I never expected they would go so far as to try to change reality and have some people convinced everything we see is subjective. That's called insanity but you wouldn't know it to listen to these liberals.
It's why Marxism, communism and fascism first makes sure that the state-not the parents-plays the larger role in a child's life. The Maxists and fascists took away parental rights for a reason.
Our own culture made it easier when it slowly but surely destroyed the nuclear family. Years ago children born out of wedlock were rare. Now it's hard to believe how many unwed mothers there are with most of them living in what we call the welfare state. The government replaced the father. Men learned to be irresponsible.
Liberalism did nothing beneficial for women. For that matter it wasn't beneficial to men either.
You have a group of women convinced they have the right to kill the unborn, including their own. They don't even consider the largest provider of abortion-Planned Parenthood-has its foundation in eugenics.
Eugenics was Margaret Sangers idea that people of a minority race needed to be exterminated-and they talk about white supremacy.
Sanger was the ultimate. Her view of blacks was similar to Hitler's view of the Jews and now the pro abortion groups view of the unborn. You make the target less than human and you can justify any extermination.
Everything about our culture suffered from the rise of liberalism-what we believed was liberty when it was socialism/communism all along.
We took individual liberty to mean the laws no longer applied and the values that had been passed down for generations were considered outdated. Unfortunately anyone not willing to accept this liberalism was considered intolerant. Liberalism definitely paved an easy road for Marxism/fascism.
What we should have been saying is that we weren't tolerant and didn't intend to be. We didn't have to wear intolerance as a scarlet letter. It should have been a badge of honor.
We became accustomed to the state taking care of problems we may not have wanted to address. Now
fascism is here. Biden is a tyrant. The media is propaganda.
The courts practice lawfare and target anyone the Biden regime considers an opponent. They used Antifa/BLM as their street thugs claiming it was their right to protest. i read frustration in Speaker Pelosi's face when President Trump promised we would NEVER become a socialist country.
These Marxists pointed the finger at Trump and labeled him a fascist when the signs were clear it was them. Take a look at who spied on American citizens, banned free speech, supressed negative information, called seditious activity peaceful protests and used the intelligence agencies with illegal acts to take out Trump and above all the collusion lie & 2 impeachments.
If you put it altogether you can see who the fascists are. I love when the Democrats tried to pass the so called Voting Rights Act as soon as Biden was office. They name these bills to be the opposite of what they actually do.
The Voting Rights Act was a free for all that would have no protections against cheating. Strange how they decided to do that right after the 2020 election. Coincidence i'm sure. [It's like the Inflation Reduction Act that did no such thing].
Either people weren't paying attention or they were seeing these as seperate reports and failed to add it up.
Anyone realize the election of 2020 was unlike anything we had ever seen in our country? I don't know how anyone can shrug it off and think the people who questioned it had the problem.
The people who thought there was nothing out of the ordinary are the ones with the problem. We weren't really sure when we were going to have a President.The media kept stressing that point. They wanted us to know and accept it for a reason. The counting went on and on and Biden managed to get just what he needed.
I know when i went to bed election night Trump was winning in a landslide and the counting stopped in the battleground states.
Nothing to see there. They kept telling us we might not know the results election night so i guess most people just went to bed as if it were business as usual. Did they ever say WHY we wouldn't know, what the hold up would be? Strange how much emphasis they put on that before the election even took place.
Our founders never expected future generations to abuse the Constitution they crafted so thoughtfully but they did include remedies in case it ever happened.
We need people who have the authority to use those remedies to stand up and use them. We can't do it with spineless Republicans who take up air talking. They are not going to save our Republic. Who is going to have the backbone to stop the lawfare being used against Pres Trump?
They think they won't be next.
They're not looking out for those of us deemed ultra maga terrorists who happen to be half the country. We voted for them. They always count on us. Wait until they're up for re-election.
Meanwhile,look at our border, our crime ridden cities, the welfare state bankrupting our country, the political prisoners of the Biden regime, unaffordable gas and groceries ...the downfall of our country.We're witnessing lawlessness top to bottom under the title of 'liberty'. Tell me this won't get you killed. One way or the other it does.
Ask yourself the question, what it if we keep going down the same road how it doesn't lead to a hot civil war? We failed to read the signs of the rise of fascism in the United States thinking it could never happen here.
NOTE: keep in mind that the liberal Obama regime with liberal factions in Israel attempted to interfere in the Israeli elections & take down Netanyahu just like they tried to take down Trump here. Liberals/Marxists infect many countries. They're a pandemic of terrible ideas.Those terrible ideas will get us killed.