Is the Democrat party godless?
Is the Democrat leader trying to imprison his rival (Trump)?
Is the Teacher's Union allowing [your] children to be indoctrinated in the classroom?
Is the state attacking parents and other traditional institutions/values?
Is the Democrat leader ignoring the Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with?
Does the Democrat party interfere with freedom of speech?
Is the Democrat leader ordering the law enforcement arm of the state to intimidate citizens? (ie FBI)
Did the Democrat party spy on American citizens?
Does the Democrat party control news media? (a majority)
Is the Democrat leader refusing to uphold our laws as his oath of office obligates him to?
Does the Democrat party interfere with freedom of religion?
Is the Democrat party interfering with the election?
Has the Democrat party politicized the agencies of the state? (ie Justice, IRS)
Has the Democrat party weaponized the feds against our own citizens?
IF the answer to any of these are yes we are looking at Marxists. They don't necessarily have to carry a hammer and sickle flag and/or communist membership card to be Marxist.
You can adopt an ideology without giving it a name.
Unfortunately there are people who are not paying attention. Ignorance is bliss? They won't see it coming.
We also have Republicans in Congress who could care less if the Democrats get the majority and take us over the cliff. #Uniparty
They know very well what is going to happen if they leave. You never see the Democrats pull stuff like this. You have to give it to them. They stick together.
Their goal is everything and they will do what it takes to get there; not the Republicans.
We have always known that the Republicans either side with the Democrats or cower in the corner, so spineless it's not funny.
It's not the time for spineless Republicans. If we don't correct course in 2024 the country is lost for good.
I dread the thought the young nation fought and died for its indepedence and countless others sacrificed themselves for freedom only for us to become a communist country in the end.
Sundance*, ages ago, used the term uniparty (i'm pretty sure that's where it got started)noting the Democrats want power and the Republicans want money;Sundance is not wrong.Think about it.
You have to ask, what happened to We the People?
*Sundance: editor/owner of the Last Refuge, the Conservative TreeHouse.Best reporting around!!
