Mr Levin,
my introduction to you was a book-Ameritopia. Loved this book so much i found a signed copy & sent it to my son. Figured one day he could give it to his children or grandchildren.
I then found you on WABC 77 by accident on my desktop pc -am glued to the computer every night from 6 till 9. The world stops at that point. Don't even try to talk to me; i'm listening to the Denali.
First i heard the moniker was on Hannity. i've since then given up on Fox but i have a way to catch you when you're on including Life, Liberty and Levin.Late to your loyal audience but better late than never, no?
I agree with you 99.9% of the time.You know your stuff and you make a point of understanding our Constitution. Let me put it bluntly-you don't talk out your ass when it comes to the Constitution.
You are absolutely brilliant and no, i am not trying to butter you up. i don''t say anything to patronize anyone. However, we part company on 2 touchy subjects and they are Ukraine (Zelensky)and DeSantis.
i respect your opinion on these topics as i do ALL topics and that includes topics we disagree on. You're a man of principle who looks at the facts.
Besides, you love our country & value our Constitution so i know you're coming from a good place.
Yes, Pres Trump endorsed the Governor and threw all his support behind him. He held 3 rallies for Ron.
MAGA got behind him 100%. We were even talking about him possibly being Trump's VP pick and definintely for his running [after Pres Trump's term] in 2028.
We were very enthused about this-come 2028 DeSantis would have been a shoe in. MAGA is a loyal bunch of people. Once we back you we're all in.
Nothing disuades us. The truth is Gov DeSantis never intended to serve out his full 2nd term as Governor. He had his eye on the White House, i will posit, since the Trump administration left it.
When he started grabbing the headlines Trump wasn't getting that's when he began the campaign.
Ron is an opportunist but of the worst kind. He moves in when someone else falls.
You can argue that point with me if you like but we know definitively that he was in for it when he was running for his 2nd Florida term.
How do we know that? Trump was running by this time, so of course DeSantis was asked the question. He'd never answer it.
He certainly didn't answer it during the debate with Christ. His silence was the answer. He cou ldn't be honest and say yes*.
On the other hand if he said no he'd be lying. He looked perturbed. He should have known Christ would ask-if not the moderator would have.
I knew darned well he was goihg to run. i'd thought that when Trump left office. People gave him the benefit of the doubt and never thought he would do that to Trump.
He did.
Now DeSantis is saying that Trump helped him win his first term but that he gave Trump the Florida vote in return.
No Mark, Ron didn't do anything for Trump. Trump had the backing of Florida voters, with or without DeSantis. He didn't need Ron to do squat.
You have to know; MAGA was furious.
It was a deal breaker for me. I don't like backstabbers. Look at DeSantis behavior when they raided Mar A Lago.What'd he say? It's in his backyard.
He must have soid something.
MAGA is done with DeSantis. He can forget us promoting him for VP and 2028 is out.Ron can rub elbows with the Bush's, Kemp, that little twerp with the white board Rove.Sorry, Mark, but the wonder boy has GOPe written all over him.
All he had to do was support Trump, endorse him and stand by his side and we'd have gone to the mat for him in 2028 like we've done forTrump.His ego, ambition, ruthless opportunism and the backing of the establishment sleazeballs got the best of him.
He called us and the very people who carried him into the Governor's mansion, 'listless vessels.
i beleive that was one of the most sincere things Ron has ever said-he actually meant it. It was revealing.
I've got news for him; those 'listless' vessels are enthusiastic MAGA voters and no candidate can win without us. Just a fact. A candidate may not have us with them but they don't want us against them either.
BTW. Trump had a pretty good idea what DeSantis was up to. Word does get around. "Sundance"nailed it."Sundance" always nails it.
The Conservative Treehouse has been following the rise and fall of Ron in great detail and much background. I'll sum it up for you in one sentence. Ron is toast or in plain English, he's done.
An excerpt from the Conservative Treehouse:
The Sea Island group of billionaires, influence agents, GOPe politicians, multinationals, Wall Street hedge funds and corporate republicans are manipulating the events in Georgia to support the roadmap that contains their nominee, Ron DeSantis.
Again, for reference, this is not a short-term issue. This is a long-term construct on behalf of the right-wing of the UniParty and the Bush clan apparatus to remove the threat of MAGA politics from their controlled party.
DeSantis is a tool, a vessel for these interests. The absentee Florida governor is not their candidate per se’, because the benefit DeSantis provides is not contained in his winning the 2024 primary, but rather in stopping Donald Trump from winning it.
"The key to defeating these Machiavellian constructs is to pour sunlight upon them".
Now for a few words re Ukraine. I agreed with you early on. When Russia invaded Ukraine-under Biden's watch of course-i was 100% for backing Zelensky and the Ukrainian resistance.
i worried that Putin would take Ukraine then march on through the NATO countries. My thinking and sentiment changed the day Zelensky expected the U.S. to do a first strike nuclear attack on Russia.
Who the hell did he think he was DEMANDING our military take [such drastic] action on his behalf? Biden has been handing him billions in funds. Now i hear he is going to give Zelensky long range missles.
Anybody ask us-the American people-if we supported this proxy war against Russia or get our approval to keep handing Zelensky billions? Is anyone keeping tabs on these billions flying out the door, every month it seems?
i'm convinced all we're doing is prolonging the war and rejecting negotiations. I also have this vibe that Zelensky is a grifter and no less corrupt than his predecessors.
i don't think the U.S. is acting in our best interest here. i can't support this anymore and i think we're making a big mistake letting the war drag on. I 'll be glad when Trump is back in office and we can get out of these entanglements once and for all.
We're old school Mark. You and i see every conflict through the lense of WWII and Germany. It may not always be the case but it's a tough mind set to step away from.
i'm no fan of Putin either. He's a KGB thug. Always has been, always will be. It's an indelible mark on his soul. Zelensky is just the lesser of 2 evils.
That's a wrap on our disagreements. i can't tell you what it means to me to tune into you every day and twice on Sundays to hear you defend the Constitution and take on the Deep State.
Nobody is standing up for our beloved Pres Trump like you are Mark.i believe all the candidates should drop out [especially the ones at 0- 1%] and endorse Trump. I normally wouldn't say that but given the circumstances i think we have to make the exception.
Thank you for all you do sir. As soon as i have a little chump change left in my bank account i am going to order your new book. i have American Marxism.
It took me a few months to get that one; eventually i had enough in the account.We're on a fixed income and go from month to month. We don't always have any disposable income. i can't wait to read the new one but i'll have to be patient!
They have to be a ton of work and a labor of love for you.
No matter how much we disagree i will always be in your corner,ok?
Thanks for listening. I hope i didn't say anything to offend you personally.
Not my intention.
God bless,
P 'boxerpaws' Sarver
* DeSantis was really in a pickle there. He didn't prepare very well for it either. His silence and that odd look on his face spoke volumes. You see, if he had said yes i'm going to run for President he probably would have lost the governors race right then and there-but at least it would have been an honest answer. If he would have said no i'm not running for President he would like like a liar when he announced. He was trapped. He couldn't answer at all. He should have come up with some kind of answer before the debate or maybe he shouldn't have done it in the first place. Place your order today!
P.S. i took the DNA test at 23 and me. Turns out i'm .06 Ashkenazi Jew. People have always taken me for being Middle Eastern. i can't see it,evidently they can. i have no clue what a Ashkenazi Jew is.