When Pres Trump appointed Kavanaugh, Gorsech and Barret we assumed they would be pro life-although you can never really be sure. Some supposedly conservative justices turned out to be more liberal than people figured.
However, Roe v Wade came up and something happened i didn't think i would ever live to see. It was overturned. Truth is many scholars, even liberals like Ruth Bader Ginsburg [ultra liberal],beleived it was poor law.
Both sides of the abortion issue had unrealistic expectations of the consequence.
Pro life advocates thought it would ban abortion.
Pro abortion advocates actually thought the same thing.
It didn't. The question went back to the states to be decided on.
The Trump Controversy
Trump has been clear he opposes abortion with exceptions;rape, incest, the life of the mother.
He is not going to support a ban on abortion when the court just managed to send it back to the states out of the hands of the federal government.
Here's where the pro life movement goes wrong. They want a candidate who will pass a ban on abortion. The minute the general public hears this the candidate is done. They would never get elected. Does that do us any good?
On the other hand pro life advocates who want Trump to be even stricter and use federal law again threaten not to vote for him. What good does that do us? We get a pro abortion candidate elected.
I'm sorry but that's the cold hard truth.
I'm pro life with no exceptions but i'm voting for Trump. You may question my pro life cred because of what i've said so far, but we're dealing with reality here. Not the way things should be, but the way things are.
You want the country to become pro life again forget the law for now-change hearts and minds.
We passed laws against discrimination but did the law end racism? Of course not. It couldn't.
We had to change hearts and minds. We've come a long ways but you will always find a person here and there who is still racist who may or may not eventually change. I wouldn't place any bets.
As long as the vast majority of people in our country are not racist, we're good. As long as the rest-the minority-are of the mind to live and let live we'll be ok.
Let's focus on changing hearts and minds. We can
protect the movement by electing Trump.
The radical left knows the the only way to defeat Trump is to get his own base to turn on him or suppress the vote.
As a Catholic i feel for anyone who wants to have children but can't.Catholic moral teaching opposes IVF because the sexual union between a male and female-husband and wife-must be unitive and pro creative.
Pro creative does not mean a woman will get pregnant because she has intercourse; it means that the couple is open to life. The unitive in marriage is the 2 becoming one flesh. The law calls this consummation of marriage.
IVF satisfies the pro creative aspect of marriage but eliminates the unitive. Worse, is that any number of embryos could be destroyed too. It's just as evil as abortion. i can't support it.
However, Trump is not Catholic. He's not going to accept our teachings. He respects them. i know he does but he's under no obligation to follow them. He's being elected for President, not Pope. I don't think he understands that it creates life on one hand but destroys it on the other hand.
It's no different than abortion. He would have to be informed and persuaded. Let's be honest. There's no persuading the radical left and they have no respect for any religious point of view.
Freedom of religion means nothing to them.
The bottom line is that if you can't get pro life candidates elected it doesn't do us any good; we risk having them federalize abortion and that's worse. It's the flip side of a federal ban.
Let's focus on changing hearts and minds then law will follow.
Trump is the better choice. He's walking a tight rope and we can't blow it. I'm just as passionate about protecting human life as you are but i'm also pragmatic. PLEASE imagine our country if we ALLOW the radical left to get elected.
This election is all hands on deck.