It's the way of our election years. Americans go crazy with these polls. We feel compelled to take our temperature every 5 seconds.
We're not always sure how accurate a poll is either; it depends on a number of factors. Some are better than others and they've also been shown to be way off even with the best of them.
Here's my biggest problem with these polls.
If it looks like your candidate is doing well and can't possibly lose you get lazy about voting. You figure it doesn't matter. It's in the bag.
Remember:Polls don't count. VOTES DO.
When this sure win doesn't materialize people are baffled. It's not complicated. We thought we had it won . We didn't feel the urgency of voting. Everyone else would carry it. What's one vote,right? WRONG. It matters.
Polls can go the other way too. They can convince people there isn't a prayer so people figure why bother voting. In this case it turns out to be self fullfilling prophecy.
This means polls can be manipulated by people with bad intentions. Their goal is to make sure you stay home and they can do it using one of those 2 ways.
You want to win? Vote and get as many people to vote as you can. They want to vote Trump but they're not registered? Help them get registered. They have an absentee ballot? Offer to send it in for them or remind them to do it. Do they have transportation to the polling station? If not provide a ride or make sure they get one.
Share information ie the date of the election and where to vote by district, how to register, how to get an absentee ballot etc.
Answer all the polls you like but ignore them in the end. Voter turn out is everything. It's the difference between winning and losing.
We have no choice. We must win and we better get voter turn out. The Dems have crappy candidates (like Joe)but they make darned sure they get out the vote.
We're voting to save our country this time. This is our last chance.
Can you imagine another 4 yr of Joe? Or any loon the Democrats put up?
My dad fought in WII. I'm sure your parents or a family member fought for our freedoms at some point. I do not want them to have gone to battle in vain. They were kids when they went.Some gave up their lives for this country. All we have to do is vote. [Let's see the polls when it's over].