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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Pres Trump IS Our Nominee (the people have spoken)

We know there are people in the corrupt government who want to stop Trump from getting elected by any means necessary.

We know there are people in the Republican party-a handful-who are members of the uniparty that would help our corrupt government destroy him.

At the least they would sit back and hope the corrupt marxists in our government would take him out. The media works for the state. We will never get the truth from them.

Nikki Haley is hoping Trump will be imprisoned or die because frankly she has no other path.

The Democrat donors will keep handing donations to her as long as she's crazy enough to stay in the race but MAGA will never vote for her-even if something did happen to our beloved President.

We are never going to forget her refusal to do the right thing.

We'll never forget she lied too. She said she wouldn't run against Trump. She and DeSantis have to be the 2 biggest backstabbers. Lindsey Graham wouldn't sink that low.

When it's all said and done her donors are going to drop her like a hot potato and vote for Biden anyway.

We're moving on.

This handful of people at the FBI have forgotten that our Constitution begins with the words We the People. We decide who we want to vote for.

They may not like our choice. They may think he's just terrible. We get to exercise our right to vote and we get to choose who we want to lead us.

They're entitled to their opinion but they have no business intefering in our election. If they want to vote for that corrupt demented piece of work in the White House more power to them.

That's on them.

They take an oath to protect and defend our Constitution.Here they are burning down our country in violation of the Constitution. They've thrown their integrity out the window for a man his own party can hardly tolerate any more.

They worry he'll lose and he could. He doesn't care. They said Trump didn't want to leave office. He would go kicking and screaming. WRONG.

That's Joe people. You will never get him to drop out. He's going to stay in the race come hell or high water and force his boot lickers to take out Trump for him.

If he says jump they'll say how high, unless Obama gets to him. Obama may offer him something he can't refuse or it may not be enough to suit Joe.

We'll see.

The truth is with the condition Joe is in he shouldn't be in the oval office. He's mentally incapable of holding any job or office let alone the office of President.

Does the media really believe we don't see what's going on?

The Biden supporters probably know and don't care. I can't speak for them; am assuming.

Maybe the Biden White House has the dirt on the FBI and they have to bow down? They work together. How could they not know. Now they've come up with Russia Colluion 2.0.

We're supposed to be stupid enough to fall for it 2nd time. Hard pass folks. You know what they say. Fool me once, shame on you.

sFool me twice,shame on me.Sorry guys (n gals)at the FBI in cahoots w/ the media not falling for it.

Sure the Russians try to interfere in our elections. i'd be willing to bet China (CCP)does too.

Last but not least the weaponized agencies ie FBI,Justice, NSA were involved in a coup against Trump in 2016 [albeit a failed one] and tried to blame Russia for it. They tried to blame the Russians for the Hunter Biden laptop too claiming it was Russia disinformation.

What a lie! The laptop was left at a computer shop by Hunter Biden himself and the FBI had possession of it for at least a year.They knew.

Hunter never denied it was his anyway did he?Heard about this guy Smirnoff that the FBI just arrested?

The story is laughable.

It's strange. Before he was going to 'spill the beans' on the Biden's, the FBI considered him a CREDIBLE source FOR the FBI.

Pretty fickle don't you think? Good way to shut him up though.We're not buying that one either. Who has any faith left in the FBI?

We'd be crazy to beleive the FBI or the media.We didn't forget the media is involved too. They were heavily invested in helping Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. They helped push the Russia Collusion lie about Trump.

They're not on our side. Yep-enemy of the people.

Fortunately they don't have a monopoly on reporting the 'news' anymore. There are plenty of sources far more trustworthy.

So much for a government of, by and for the people.

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