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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Seven Months. We Have To Make It!

It was 4 yrs away. Now we're down to 7months. I know we're angry,frustrated,anxious,determined-all that and a bag of chips- while we hope to put Trump back in office.

Does that about sum it up?

The Biden regime is trying to get us to lash out in violence. The Biden regime is trying to stir up their own troops to take to the streets.

We're not going to lash out and resort to violence. We know what they're up to. We will vote Trump though. Count on it.

We know that their Soros troops can get away with murder (literally). Joe had already put a target on MAGA and his blessings on the Islamists, Nazis, Antifa and BLM.

Jan 6 was not an insurrection.In fact it may have been a set up. These patriotic Americans were trying to get their voices heard.

The protestors on the campuses and in the streets now are actually trying to overthrow our government. They're burning our flag, putting up their own and shouting Death to Israel.

They're not shouting Death to America yet (at least not here)but they will be when they 're done manipulating the useful idiots in the Universities.

Suspend them. Arrest the agitators. Deport the non citizens.Activate the National Guard. Time to go after the Soros family and their dark money.

+ WWJD. What would Joe do? Nothing of course. He wants their vote.

He likes the Soros money.

The students attend a prestigious university to get the best education. What the hell are they teaching these kids? They can't possibly know history or civics. You couldn't call them patriotic either.

Man, they are easily led by dangerous people who hate our country. Where are their critical thinking skills? This is why they're called useful idiots.

The Big Question: Is Joe Biden cognitively aware of what he's doing? Nobody knows definitively. We know one thing for sure.

Obama is in charge. He calls the shots. Biden gets to play President. A symbiotic relationshp. They both get what they want.

Joe has been trying for years to get elected President. Obama wanted his 3rd term to finish off 'imperialistic' America.

Fundamentally Transform America

If you didn't know what Obama meant when he said we would fundamentally transform America you surely know now.

Obama's father was Marxist. Obama admitted himself he liked to hang with the Marxists and radicals in college.He had an association with domestic terrorist William Ayers in Chicago-leader of the Weather Underground.

Ayers became one of those radical professors who indoctrinate their students.We don't know exactly how chummy they were but anyone who knew what Ayers was about wouldn't want to have any association with him at all. PERIOD.

Obama couldn't possibly do everything he hoped to in his first 2 terms. He knew enough not to go too far with the American people.They might catch on & reject if they knew what he was really up to. [Marxism doesn't sit well]

If he could get a third term through a Biden or Clinton presidency that would work.His best bet in 2020 was Biden- a man who could be easily manipulated.

They couldn't forsee a Pres Trump getting in their way in 2016. They were sure Hillary would destroy him.

The last act of Obama in his presidency was to weaponize the agencies of the federal government.

The FBI was corrupted. It wasn't that difficult to get Hillary off the hook for her crimes and Spygate in motion to keep Trump out of the White House.

It came to be known as the deep state.

The cabal included the FBI,CIA, the radical left aka the Dems, Hillary, Obama [plus all of his crew] and last, but not least, the [state run] media. You could add in likely honorary members who just hated Trump.

This group would include the uniparty. Republicans and Democrats who opposed Trump ie Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi.

Who was on Trump's side in DC? Anyone?They say if you want a friend in politics, get a dog. Don't tell Biden though.

Every dog he's had so far has bit the Secret Service agents. His dogs are as nasty as he is.He does have a habit of sniffing.

Bottom line: we're living through Obama's 3rd term with a congnitively impaired (i'm no Dr. not going to diagnose him) corrupt old fool.

They put Joe in there.They took one hell of a chance but they may have figured he was their best bet. A safe, old, white guy from Scranton Pa.

Trump was brash,bold,controversial and made waves but he shook things up and got things done too. You could call him the man from Queens.Some people didn't care for this persona.

Joe had been in politics for a long time. Believe it or not i think that may have been more of a selling point as long as people did not have a real close look at his career.

I'm also convinced they cheated like hell but whether or not you think they cheated outright everyone knows they at least rigged it.

There's a slight difference-neither of which is fair. I'm not going to rehash it. I've done so a number of times. As we look to the election in Nov we have to know what we're up against and stay the course. It's going to get rough.

These ppl are different ideologies but they have one thing in common; they are all power hungry and will do anything to win. I first considered saying 'would do almost anything' to win but it dawned on me: they would do anything; no boundaries.

This is the part that is worrisome. The higher his poll numbers the more desperate they will become.It seems to me the ONLY way they MIGHT be able to stop Trump is to imprison him.

It wouldn't stop me from voting for him. I'm voting for Trump come hell or high water. I don't even care who he picks as VP. I know who i'd like him to pick. I know who i'd prefer he didn't. It's not going to change my vote for him. I worry about him being imprisoned but it's not eroding my support for him. Whatever happens we have to press on and get out the vote for him. We have to strike down the lies they tell about him the second they start. Hang in-there's only 7 months to go. Beats 4 yrs!

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