Politics is a weird game. When one person drops down in the polls that signals someone else is going to go up. It's how it works.
DeSantis has continued to drop. The recent comment about Trump supporters being listless vessels was taken right from the Hillary Clinton journal of things not to say unless you want to truly alienate voters. Of course these people probably figure the people they insulted are not going to vote for them anyway.
As noted when one candidate drops that support has to go somewhere and that means as one person descends another one ascends even if only by a few points. The support DeSantis lost seems to have gone to "Swamy" which i've decided to add a p to, for swampy.
Vivek decided to capitalize on the DeSantis blunder and his other shortcomings which have been revealed throughout his campaign.
Vivek was a blank slate that suddenly jumped into the campaign out of nowhere. A blank slate can be written on with whatever narrative the candidate chooses. He's a smooth talker too and picks out what people want to hear as his talking points.
Some Trump supporters seem to think he's MAGA. i look at it this way; if you're running in the primary you're looking to take out Trump or sticking it out until the Democrats do it for you.
Ron and Vivek it seems to be are cut from exactly the same cloth. They're both opportunists of the worst kind with exactly the same goal, just different ways of getting there.
Ron's way is obviously not working and Vivek's can't be too shabby. He came out of nowhere and has overtaken Ron. There is one of the MAJOR issues i have with this Vivek. A month ago i had no idea what his name was. You? Did anyone you speak to ever hear of him until very recently? What on earth is going on here, he's suddenly a Republican candidate?
Donald Trump was a well known person who had been asked about running for years. He was bascially a household name for years even from his real estate business. If you would have said Vivek's name even 4 weeks ago i would have said, WHO? Now he's a possible candidate for President of the United States? I don't think so. Let's use our heads here,ok?
It's hard to say if this change in position is because Ron's campaign is going that badly or if Vivek's is going that well but it's likely a combination of both.
I've said it before but it's worth repeating. For this election cycle & the benefit of the country ALL the candidates running in the Republican primary should drop their campaigns and endorse Trump. I would never have said that under normal circumstanes. I highly doubt these ppl are running for the VP spot. If worse comes to worse they will take it-they're politicians after all- but it's not the spot they're looking for.
They're intention IS to take out Trump and some are backed by donors and organizations with the same intention.I'm hoping the MAGA family doesn't get taken in by Vivek. I see some who think he's MAGA. I see others,who like me, sensed something wasn't quite right and didn't trust him at all. He is, as i noted a smooth talker, and he's not going to make the mistakes Ron did putting off the MAGA movement.
For one thing Ron won an election because of Trump's endorsement and 100% support when he stabbed Trump in the back. Vivek has no such background but he does have a background worth looking at. Mark Levin caught onto it.
The difference between Levin's suspicions of him and mine is that Levin is a huge DeSantis fan (it's apparent)and i'm not. DeSantis lost my support months ago when i saw what was coming. Levin supports Trump too. He hasn't written him off but he sticks with DeSantis as much as he does Trump.
i see Levin as supporting either candidate and will back the winner whoever it is-even Christie if he had to. In fact Levin would end up supporting Vivek if it came down to it. i'm SOLID Trump. The only candidate Levin can't stand is Christie (it's very apparent)but i think i know Levin well enough to say he would vote Christie over Biden any day.
My main point here is that Levin is questioning Vivek as much as i am( just for different reasons). He sees him as a threat to DeSantis and that bothers him. I see him as a threat PERIOD.
i'm not alone in the observation. There are mixed reactions on Twitter and the ones who are reserved about him have the same issues i do.
The others seem to be starry eye for lack of a better way of putting it.
For all we know he'd end up being swamp.i've heard about connections to Soros and him covering his tracks. i'm not liking that at all.
I know what he claims to be are his policies sound good but they are almost all of Trump's polices so they should sound good.What is the point though? Trump himself is running,right? Anyone can copy/ parrot the Trump policies, just don't claim them as your own if they're not. His foreign policy agenda is lacking ,especially with regards to Israel. Not well thought out. i don't recall this Vivek being too involved in anything ever before this and that means we have no idea what policies he actually supports do we? i didn't hear of him supporting Trump in 2016 did you?All in all it's a hard pass on a man who could end up being a little too swampy who sounds a little too phony.