Rep Jamaal Bowman tried to delay the vote in the House by setting off a fire alarm. He lied about it but everyone knew he lied about it.
We'll talk about the lie in a bit. Let's talk about the why then you'll get the lie.You don't delay a vote just for the sake of delaying a vote. He obviously had a reason.
Dan Bongino explains:
The lie was totally unbelievable.Nobody bought it. There weren't a lot of options for a credible lie and he was on camera when he did the deed.The real problem is that he should never have done it in the first place.
What Bowman did was just as bad as, if not worse, than the actions of the J6 prisoners that are sitting in a DC cell. 1. he obstructed the business of Congress/the House 2.he pulled down the handle to a fire alarm when he knew there was no fire.
They're both against the law.Let's see how lightly he gets off.
There was a tweet saying he had been arrested. If true,i wouldn't hold my breathe that anything comes of it.
This was the last tweet i read about Bowman.
i can't seem to locate the tweet with the breaking news re his arrest but i can't find any articles either with a report that his arrest has taken place-only that he is under investigation.
i'm not saying he hasn't been arrested; at this point i honestly don't know.
What else happened this week?. McCarthy stepped down as Speaker after Gaetz brought a motion to vacate.
The Bowman story vanished as did new evidence against Joe Biden. The battle in the House sucked all the oxygen out of the room.
Nobody was covering other major news.Mcarthy decided not to run again [knowing he did not have the votes] and denied the Dems a shot at voting. Plans foiled.
The House will elect a new Speaker on Tues. Pres Trump endorsed Jim Jordan. He has to get 218 votes. Hopefully it won't become the mess it did last time.
We have to hold his feet to the fire. He can't just talk. He has to act; get 'er done as they say.i'm more curious re who is going to replace him on the judiciary committee.
Whoever the Speaker ends up being, there can be no funding for Ukraine. IMHO the battle over the Speakership had a lot to do with the Ukraine funding. The battle over the budget had everything to do with the Ukraine funding.
i liked what i heard Jordan say-not another dime for Ukraine.He has to do more than say; he has to make sure it's stopped.
They're just going to have to hold off until there is a thorough investigation and some credible answers about the war. PERIOD. Zelensky coming over here with his tin cup doesn't cut it anymore.
The least they can do is investigate where this money is going as well as how the war is ACTUALLY going but they need to cut Zelensky off temporarily. It's all too fishy as far as i'm concerned.
Putin is evil but he's not the standard for behavior either. We don't excuse people saying, 'at least they're better than ie Al Capone, Josef Stalin, Hitler'.
Zelensky is the king of Fleece. We need to talk about how the war is going too. Are we funding an unwinnable war? Is Zelensky even willing to sit down and try to negotiate a peace deal?
Are we funding their military or are we funding a cabal of crooked politicians? We have enough to deal with at home. Why don't we get out and let Europe fund these wars for a change?
They have more at stake there than we do. Is our funding just prolonging the war?
Let me emphasize-we need the TRUTH about the war. Not Putin propaganda. Not Zelensky propaganda. Not Biden propaganda. Trust none of these people.
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McConnell said Ukraine is our no 1 priority. No, it is not. The United States is our no 1 priority. Talk about our reps being out of touch with the people they're supposed to represent, that is the perfect example.
The other story i've been watching this week is the nonsense coming from the DeSantis campaign. One more time-he's done.
You stab us in the back it's a deal breaker. He would have been a shoe in for 2028 if he would have just governed Florida for the 4 yr term he promised and endorsed Trump for 2024. He couldn't wait.
There are some ppl in the media still trying to prop him up. Don't care. We're 100% behind our nominee-Pres. Trump- and we're not budging.
Meanwhile we will soon have a new Speaker and we want to see action;not words. The next one can go out the same door McCarthy did if they think they can pull the wool over our eyes.
We know the Dems, the RINOS and Never Trumpers make it difficult. We get that, but we want to know you're making the effort on our behalf & not selling us out.
The old saying goes that talk is cheap. When it comes to DC talk is not cheap. It always end up costing us either in blood or treasure or both.