all their offices. tell them to vote Jordan or just go home.
We're done. We have no party.
Here are the names and who they cast their vote for.
1.Bacon–McHenry 2.Buchanan–Donalds 3.Buck–Emmer 4.Chavez-DeRemer–McHenry 5.D’Esposito–Zeldin 6.Diaz Balart-Scalise 7.Ellzey-Garcia 8.Ferguson-Scalise 9.Fitzpatrick-McHenry 10.Garbarino-Zeldin 11.Gimenez-McCarthy 12.Gonzales-Scalise 13.Granger-Scalise 14.James-Donalds 15.Kean-McCarthy 16.Kelly-Scalise 17.Kiggans-McHenry 18.LaLota-Zeldin 19.Lawler-McHenry 20.Miller-Meeks-McHenry 21.Molinaro-Zeldin 22.Rutherford-Scalise 23.Simpson-Scalise 24.Stauber-Westerman 25.Womack-Scalise
Here's the word on Steve Scalise's little plot. He backed Jordan publicly and voted for him. While he was going behind closed doors and got those candidates to vote for him. i can't confirm it's true but put nothing past these people.
I know what went on a few weeks ago, Rep. Scalise.. Scalise advocated a few weeks ago that cuts to Social Security and Medicare cuts would be on the table for debt reduction. Can you say ads throwing Grandma off the cliff in 2024 ? My family lives in his district... Scalise is pretending to support Jim Jordan but is organizing the ones that refuse to vote for Jordan. He voted for Jordan, but is encouraging others not to behind the scene. He is what is wrong with D.C. Swamp.. Burn his phone lines up telling him to stop undermining Jordan .
Primary the 25 and we'll narrow it down to the ppl who do know what being a Representative means. Elect a Speaker or go home. We support Jim Jordan. if you can't vote for him just get it over with and leave.