The pro life movement had been hoping that one day Roe V Wade would be overturned. I didn't think i'd live live to see the day
Donald Trump was elected and he appointed what he believed were Constitutional Conservatives to the Supreme Court. Roe V Wade was overturned and Trump added it to his resume as a plus.
Both sides of the issue had unreailstic expectations of what this meant in terms of consequence. They both took it to mean abortion would be banned.
It actually meant the issue would be taken out of the hands of the federal government and left for the states to decide.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn't crazy about Roe V Wade herself. She thought it was bad law although she supported abortion [Ruth was known as an ultra liberal her whole life].
She didn't consider Roe as the best case for establishing abortion rights.
She most likely would not have been disappointed by the new ruling.
Pres Trump has stated clearly numerous times his own opinion on the issue.He's prolife but with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.
It's only his opinion and as much as he can express his opinion that's not law. It doesn't matter-he does say just as often and as clearly that he believes it should be decided by the states.
Since he's at least partly responsible for Roe V Wade being overturned he's not going to turn around and hand it back to the federal government.
No, he is not going to impose a ban on abortion. He doesn't oppose contraception of IVF either. He's also made those positions well known.
The ad saying wants to impose a ban is a total flat out lie.
All the things the left alleges Trump will do if elected are bunk. We know what he would or wouldn't do if elected because he was already in office and his record speaks for itself.
Anything they say he would do in the future he would have already done in his first term.
Don't believe me,look it up.Plenty of video and statements out there. Shouldn't be hard to find.