I edited it the same entry several times. I clicked publish with the corrections. It didn't work. It's a long entry. What i do in an edit is space it into paragraphs that make it easier to read.
The edit didn't correct that either. I included an image at the end. Vanished. For every time i put it back in and published it, it vanished. ALL the corrections vanished.
I've spent better than an hour trying to edit and publish; sorry to say i have an appointment with the landlord here on Monday-or sometime the first of next week meaning a lot that i need to get done. i can't spend hours trying to work with a program that obviously isn't working.
My apologies. At this point i'm too frustrated to spend another hour at it. I will wrap up what needs done on our apartment asap and get back here this evening to give it another try.
I know when an entry is long and it's not spaced out it's a royal pain to read. There are some other minor errors that need corrected and surely the image shouldn't keep disappearing.
If i have to i'll submit a copy, take that content to Word Pad, make the corrections and publish it again.