We have to talk about Trump's age. There's no avoiding it.Somebody will ( probably a never trumper). It's the elephant in the room and it's bound to come up. We know these people don't we? They will do anything, say anything, USE anything to stop Trump.
So let's get into it and have it out now.For those old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan ran he would be the oldest President to date. His opponents claimed he was too old until they were blue in the face. He won in a landslide.
He was a great President and our economy recoved from the Carter years. Maybe we do have hope. It happened once.
Our enemies feared us-the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down. It was a historic moment. We didn't think it would ever happen. It was morning in America. We survived the Carter malaise.
Age is not the factor here then. It's mental acuity and cognitive ability. Why hasn't Biden been tested? Maybe he's due? i keep repeating the same line on Twitter/X and will say it here too. I know some 80 yr olds and a few 90 yr olds who are as sharp as a tack. I also know 30-40 yr olds who forgot to pay their brain bill.
Sure you know people like this in your own life, maybe in your own family. There are people we know who are 50 and you'd think they were 80. There are people at 80 who are in better shape than some people at 60.
Do a comparison between Biden and Trump. i loved it when the media tried to imply that Trump was headed out to pasture when he walked down that ramp at the Naval graduation.
How many times has Biden stumbled around [even fell UP a set of stairs]and they went crazy trying to cover for him? The man has our nuclear codes. He's dealing with foreign actors who have nukes too.
He's wrecked our economy and edged us closer to WWIII than any President in recent history. How do we know he's wrecked the economy? Hello media people..hello...it has a direct impact on us. Biden standing up there saying everything he's done is great does not cut it.
BTW, we all know Joey does not write his own tweets. He can't put 2 sentences or a complete thought together when he's speaking unless he reads it off-and even then he mangles it. There's no way on earth he's sending out tweets. Trump is the king of tweets.
Take it to the bank, cash the check, his staff does it FOR him. This is the guy who rarely left his basement. Did he actually campaign?
Trump was out doing sometimes 2-3 rallies a day.
Mind you, i don't mean all 80-90 yr olds are with it or that all 30-40 yr olds aren't too swift. It comes down to the condition of every individual. Are 80 yr olds at the level they were at 20 or 30? No, of course not but by the time they're 80 they've gained in experience and an accumulation of knowledge his/ her younger self didn't have.
Then we have older people who do have cognitive problems. Several of them are in Congress and one of them is in the White House.
The media can cover for Joe all day long but you can't hide the obvious forever. The American people have eyes, ears and a brain. Thank God somebody does.
Age is NOT the issue. It's the mental acuity that matters. These people should have retired by now and taken care of themselves. I would call out their families for abuse. Seriously.
They are in positions with huge responsibilities and those positions affect us. We have a right to demand better.If you had a family member that was in the shape Biden's in would you expect them to run for anything let alone President?You'd get them pallitive care wouldn't you?
I know you would. These ppl are power hungry fools looking to rake in millions from shall we say, in some instances, foreign interests. Maybe Biden is afraid not to run for fear his corruption will be exposed. However it's obvious to the American people that he's not with the program.
Then there was John Fetterman in Pennsylvania. He's not even a senior which proves my point that it's not the person's age that's the issue. He had 2 strokes and was not doing well at all. It could have been brought on by the stress of campaigning but he continued anyway and now he's in the Senate.
He's not doing well there either but he can vote yes or no. Honest to God it's disgusting.
You have Mitch McConnell showing signs of a serious health problem. He's still there. Frankly he should have stepped down a long time ago; not because of age or health. He's a terrible leader and was no help to Trump either. He's everything that's wrong with the Republican establishment.
The Democrats and the media better not say a single word about Trump's age. It would take a lot of nerve if they did. I was thinking the other day how it never bothered them before. They have Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Fetterman & Sanders (the old Communist).
I'll say this about "Bernie" though. He may be a communist but he's sharper than the other 4 combined. I'd keep him before i would keep oatmeal brain Biden.
On the Republican side it's time for Mitch to abdicate his spot as leader-of the uniparty-and take care of himself but i beg of the Senate NOT to put in his surrogates.
We do not need Turtle 2.0. Think about us for a change. It would be novel. Folks watch out for that if McConnell does step down. He's had people in training.
How about Senator Ted Cruz? He's not too shabby. I look around the Senate and it's as swampy as it gets. There isn't much to pick from.
BTW i am not wishing ill on McConnell. It's sad to watch. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers. i just don't feel he's the leader we've needed.I opposed him as a leader long before the recent incidents took place.
We've all been screaming about Mitch for years. They never listen.
As an aside, I will say this for the Democrats. They stick together. You take some of these "Republicans" in the Senate and more often than not they vote with the Democrats.
You don't see the Democrats voting with the Republicans. Joe Manchin does his phony hissy fit but in the end he always "caves" doesn't he? If these Republicans are going to go to the other side most of the time why bother voting for them? Just vote Democrat and get it over with.
Same results. There ya go-the uniparty. The uniparty was not happy with President Trump. Mitch, the uniparty leader, was a thorn in his side but Mitch also held all the cards in the Senate. We can hope the people of Kentucky will reconsider another vote for him or that the Senate decides it's time for Mitch to step down.
We can look at the other side of the age issue and ask what is too young? The Constitution answers that question for us. It requires a President to be at least 35 yr of age.
Obama ended up being our youngest President. Anyone want another Obama? So much for age. Let's be real honest here. Who else thinks the puppet master pulling Biden's strings IS Obama? And who pulls Obama's strings? Soros.