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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

The Fundamenal Transformation of America

Obama was on the campaign trail and he stopped to talk to a man who came to be known as Joe the Plumber. It's the first time he brought up this phrase, the fundamental transformation of America. I took note of that. It had to catch your attention. If it didn't recall that he repeated it in a speech and said the fundamental transformation of America was just days away; meaning he would be sworn into office. The phrase was somewhat ambiguous. There's no real explanation of exactly what Obama meant but the idea alone should have set our hair on fire.

Why did our country need a transformation? Was there something that needed to be fundamentally changed?

There were red flags about Obama that are worth revisiting. The one that is most disturbing is his fascination with Marxism. He was raised by his grandmother but his parents were Marxist. In his memoir Dreams From My Father he admits to being attracted to the Marxist professors. The title of the book alone telegraphs his thinking. It's not dreams OF his father. It's dreams FROM my father and i take that to mean he passed them down to his son who accepted them.

Everything the Democrat party has been pushing is Marxist. Equity is a Marxist concept. It means that the state determines a level playing field and who benefits from it. Equality puts all of us on equal footing but cannot guarantee an outcome. It depends on the individual but that also gives the individual the freedom to choose their own destiny and how to get there. Equity is set in stone and given to a certain party whether it's earned or not. The state determines the outcome. In Russia after the Revolution when they embraced communism everyone became equally poor and suffered the same station in life. Of course, the elites that enforced it never had to suffer under their own laws. The few ruled the many with an iron fist.

Diversity is another Democrat tenant but diversity doesn't mean diversity of thought where the individual has the liberty to think for themselves. It means the majority will be forced to accept what the state decides they have to accept. You know how the parents are protesting at school board meetings and the Biden admin has deemed them 'domestic terrorists'? That's an example of the diversity the Democrats are pushing on us. You have to accept this group-people you may view as perverts-that the state deems acceptable, but not this group, concerned parents. There's no diversity of thought. Their followers are like sheep. There's no diversity of opinion. It's their way or the highway. You want to see an instittution wrecked just let them force their policy of equity,diversity and inclusion on it. When i was searching for an assisted living facility for my disabled brother i ran into a facility that had equity,diversity and inclusion as their policy & was using it as a selling point. i didn't pick this place. My main concern was quality of care. PERIOD. Fortunately i found a fantastic place at a lower price for him. They had an available room. He went there.

There's all kinds of groups the state finds acceptable that you may not but in the name of diversity they will be forced upon you. Now that brings us to their last enforced tenant which is similiar to diversity-inclusion. Now that the state has determined what is diverse and what isn't that is going to be accepted or else. You'll be labeled for opposing it. The purpose of diversity is to get you to accept what you normally wouldn't. It's the whole idea behind it and it gives them enoromous power. Forget individual liberty. That's gone out the window.

EID robs people of their individual liberty. Equity sounds great but it takes away people's incentive to accomplish their goals. Why would anyone try to improve their station in life when it can be handed to them or it's just as likely to be given to someone else who may or may not have earned it. Why bother when the state determines your outcome? The Russians learned the hard way what communism meant. They had a saying, 'we pretend we're working, the government pretends they are paying us.'

You probably also remember Obama's disdain for the police. He really had an animosity towards law enforcement. On the other hand Pelosi had no problem with having the National Guard called up in D.C. for Biden's inauguration. The left was calling for the defunding of police and in a lot of Democrat run cities they got it. They also got crime waves like no tomorrow. There's ony one solution to that kind of lawlessness; military. Let that sink in. Think about them arming IRS agents while you're at it.

Yes, Obama got it all off to a good start but he now has a puppet in Joe Biden and he is a good one. Does whatever he's told.

The fundamental transformation of America was to Marxism. What Trump brought to the White House under his administration was the fundamental RENEWAL of America. It was also called America First policy. It's why i didn't vote for Obama or Biden. It had nothing to do with Obama's race. I don't care for either of them. I would have loved to vote for the first President of any minority and been a part of history but i wasn't about to vote for a pro abortion Marxist just to be a part of history. The whole crew was so corrupt; Obama, Hillary, Joey.

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