Joe Biden deserves to be impeached. He deserves to be removed from office. He sold out our country to China, Russia, Ukraine and God knows what other countries.He actually did what they accused Pres Trump of doing*.
It's hard to say what dirt they all have on Biden but it goes without saying they must. Remember the phone call between Trump & Zelensky that Trump got impeached over? He was asking about corruption in Ukraine. He knew something was fishy. He had every right to ask.He did not threaten Zelensky with cutting off arms to Ukraine over it. An American has shady business dealings in a foreign country that could be a threat to national security the Pres has every right to ask questions,want answers
Here's Biden and the very reason Trump had concerns.
Do i support the impeachment? I'm not so sure. i believe he should be. I believe he deserves removal from office-i question whether going through with it is a good idea or not. i wonder that it's probably not an exercise in futility. They may not have the votes, let alone get the votes in the Senate to remove him.
The best way to remove him is probably at the ballot box. When it's all said & done it may be the only way unless you can get enough Dems on board to vote for impeachment. Let's not hold our breathe. They stick together (they're not Republicans).
As much as we want him impeached, as much as there's every good reason to, REALISTICALLY it may be impossible. As much as i hate to say it,we're going to have to face it. If there's any way it's possible, i'm in but so far i don't see it.
A Republican prosecutor can certainly look at his crimes once he's out of office. Biden's so old and sick it may not even be necessary by then. I'd be happy just to see Pres Trump elected again and Biden sent packing with his whole crew.
Once Trump is doing his second term and Biden is out of the way it's house cleaning time from the FBI to the DOJ.
I believe exposing Biden & Obama, obliterating the Deep State and getting the U.S. back on track would be more rewarding.
Fact is the American people have never been fond of impeaching a Pres-either party-in an election year. It almost always politcally costs the party that does it. We could win on an impeachment and lose every other way.
Now if there was overwhelming support from a LARGE majority of the American people i'd say go for it and TRY to get enough of the Dems on board to get it done.
Look, i'm not saying i oppose an impeachment. I haven't so far mentioned opposition anywhere. In fact when the question comes up i always vote yes we should. The questions i have are more regarding the votes and support to get it done;done without repucussions from the public.
If the Dems expect backlash they're not going to get on board no matter how they feel about it.
I'd like to see us put all our energy into stopping the Trump indictments and holding those people accountable. We have to help the J6 prisoners. We need to get Trump back in office.
The other candidates should drop out,endorse Trump and focus on winning the general election NOW.
True: now convince the general public at large and as many Dems as possible, go after the smaller fish who assisted them and work your way up. Trust me, most of the smaller fish are going to turn if the penalty is high enough & the prosecutor is determined enough. The little fish rarely like to take the fall for the big ones except under certain conditions. When The big fish [ie Trump] is innocent and it's a matter of principle most will. When you're as corrupt as the Bidens,the Obama's and the Clinton's there's no principles involved.
Please let me know your thoughts on this; tell me why the impeachment of Biden should go foward, convince me it's the best route and help me square up where i'm conflicted about it. i need persuasion because i'm not 100% sure it will fly. if you don't expect much other than exposing them go for it. i'd be thrilled if they were at least exposed, Trump's good name cleared and all the wrongs against other people were reversed ie Rudy Guilliani, J6 prisoners, Trump's attorneys etc
* The Democrat party, Hillary Clinton, the media, the FBI and a whole cabal of other nefarious actors themselves did what they accused Trump of doing in Russiagate (aka Spygate). Some people call it the hoax but that to me doesn't convey how serious the matter was; it was a failed coup attempt.