Talk about a useful idiot-Biden is it except he was a willing participant. Why do they want him out since they were the people who got him in the White House in the first place?
Let's talk about why they want him out first. The why is easy. He's in cognitive decline and it's moving at a rapid pace now.
You know it, they know it, everyone knows it. It's too obvious and there's no hiding it any longer. They knew it all along btw. They are NOT going to admit it's the reason they want him out. The narrative is and is going to be he's too old.
The other useful idiot is heels up Harris. They don't want her in there and they will try to hold off as long as they can.
Of course, sometimes reality gets in the way of human plans but a short period with Kamala would be better than a long period with her if there's no choice. Say Joe becomes totally incapacitated.
You would think it's the Biden policies that are forcing Biden out. Oh no, it's not that. They agree with the policies. They are all on the same page. It's his inability to sell them.
You may ask yourself; if they knew he would end up like this why did they push him as the nominee? Simple. He looked like the safest person out there. Good ol lunch bucket grandpa Joe couldn't possibly be a threat to the Republic.
He's a nice old guy that doesn't send out mean tweets. Truth is he's always been a very nasty corrupt person but this "i'm from Scranton Pa working class laid back" persona has precluded his getting into office his whole life.
Anybody who really knows Joe, knows better. I also think most people believe he's too stupid to be corrupt or too stupid to impliment Marxist ideology.
You don't have to be particularly smart to do either.
So now we have a stupid corrupt man who is in cognitive decline in the oval office. Stupid and in decline is a double whammy on his cogntive abilities. His age is not the issue. Some people at 50 are more like they're 60.
Some people at 80 are as sharp as a tack. It depends on the individual and in this day and age people are living longer more productive lives than at any other period in our history.
My husband and i did lawn care at a cemetary. It's absolutely true. You would be surprised at the average age on the headstones of people from a different era.
We couldn't know the cause of death in these younger people but chances are it was probably diseases we have treatments for now. I'm sure a few were accidental deaths (true in any era)but you can't rule out the main causes of disease and poor health.
We have preventive care that they didn't have back when. I'm not saying everyone at 80 [or that everyone makes it to 80]is a genius anymore than i'm saying everyone is a Joe.
The point is mental ability at that age varies among individuals but overall the 80 yr old is in better shape than ever.I remember the GOPe tried to use that he's too old argument against Reagan. The people thought otherwise-they elected him in a landslide and gave him a 2nd term.
I'll tell you what-the people in Congress have no room to talk. Look at Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, Sanders. They stay in Congress until they're on their death beds. i'm not being disrespectful in saying that;it's just a fact. Fetterman is different. He suffered a stroke on the campaign trail. He's in cognitive decline BUT he's relatively young.
i wish no ill on anyone including ppl i disagree with but you can't dispute the ages of these people. It is, what it is. If it weren't for Sanders Marxist ideology i'd take him over Biden any day. He still has his wits about him. Bernie can actually put a sentence together in a complete thought.
i doubt the Deep State gives a rat butts about Biden's age or even his obvious decline as long as he can sign his name on the dotted line.
His electability is a bigger issue. They probably can't cheat his way in again. He can try to take out his opponent through the DOJ but that's backfired so far. Trump's poll numbers keep climbing and they realize if they can't stop him he probably is going to be the nominee. We're onto them. They indicted, we united. We get what's going on now. They've revealed themselves.
i think there is one other factor they didn't see coming. Putin is threatening to use nukes. Joey goofs up and we could be on the brink of WWIII. They know Joe is corrupt to boot and under the threat of blackmail. Between those 2 factors even the Deep State has some self preservation in mind here. They don't want us to get nuked either because we all go-and they go with us. Hello...Deep State. Reality bites.
One final question; would the Deep State get real desperate and assassinate Trump to stop him. If the Deep State is similar to any group there is likely division on something that carries that much weight.
I'm sure there's people in there that hate him enough it would give them satisfaction. People that are more about their ideology and not driven by that much hate [of any one person] may be more reluctant to go down that path. It's not that they rule it out, they're just concerned about the consequences if all doesn't go well. They're thinking it through while the other side is driven by feelings/emotions.
They probably figure it's a 4 yr speed bump with Trump. The ones that are in really deep-the ones that would vote to assassinate Trump -are worried because he's going after the Deep State when he gets back. It depends on how deep into the Deep State one is that determines how worried one is about a Trump 2nd term.
The uniparty is just a lame political party that allows the Deep State to go after Trurmp. They have their own interests ie money and power.
Hence much silence from the GOP and RNC. We're learning one thing out of this disasterous Biden rule; who is REALLY with us and who is on the other side.Who is truly MAGA and who would run against Trump and is NOT truly MAGA.You say Trump was a great President? You want us to believe your MAGA? Ok, then drop out and endorse Trump or you're no different than the back stabbing DeSantis.
I'd like to think some in the Deep State are starting to realize Marxism doesn't work, not even in the United States. It's never different anywhere. The end result is always the same. People suffer.
Doubt it, but i'd like to think.