and thank you Jim!
The people supported Jim Jordan. President Trump endorsed Jim Jordan. Jim had a great record and reputation. He'd been fighting the good fight for years.
There just didn't seem to be anything about Jim that would have disqualified him from a Speakership. I was pleasently surprised he even ran. Jim wasn't one to be looking for higher office.
I've never seen him try it and he's had a great track record of re-election. He's always been perfectly content with showing up and getting the job done.
This was just the kind of person you'd want to support. Jim's motta was, "do what we said we would do." Anotherwords, keep your word to your voters; remember the people who put you in office. Boy, is that rare in the swamp.
When it came to the 3rd round of voting i was very apprehensive. i had the weird feeling it wasn't going to fly this time any better than the first 2 but you never know.
Maybe the 3rd time was the charm and Jim was making the rounds to get votes and keep up his support.
The 25 holds out, held out. i had an inkling they were going to and just didn't intend to let Jim get elected no matter what. They knew what they were doing.
No, it was not revenge against Matt Gaetz. Let's hear the REAL reason the 25 opposed Jim. It's the scam of Washington. Seriously-this is worth a listen.
They made that clear. In fact, i heard they privately told him he would never be Speaker. Of couse, they didn't tell him publicly and be held up to our scrutiny. He had no choice but to throw in the towel rather than waste time.
The 25 had the arrogance to say they would not be intimidated. Now if you get involved in your own party it's intimidation.
When Jim lost it was a punch in the gut. i had made the phone calls and did a ton of tweeting for Jim. So did a lot of other people.
We were all backing up Jim. These 25 have no idea what they've done and how much they're loathed. What have they done?
they're going to get primaried. It wasn't a threat. it was a promise
the Republican party is on life support. i have to say it.DESTROYED. I'm begging though- stay with the party affiliation through the primaries so we can get Pres Trump as our nominee. Many states require membership in the party to vote for the person of that party. You can always check with your state or just stick with your registration until you're done voting Trump. That would be the safest way. It's what my husband and I are going to do-he follows my lead when it comes to politics. He just doesn't want involved. He has a pretty good idea of what is going on with national politics and supports Trump. That's as far as he goes. Once we vote Trump we will probably go independeht OR wait until there's a new party formed by the disenfranchised voters.
A new party may come out of this debaucle and you can be sure we'll support it and join.We just have to wait until Trump is in the White House. We don't want to throw the general election to Joe Biden or whoever the Dems run.
Any new candidate comes up that is going to challenge the incumbent[in the House 25 group] give me a holler. i'll be glad to get behind you and post your information here.
The icing on the cake will be that Jordan is still in the House and the turn coats will be out of office for good. Sweet.
It's hard to believe that 5 yrs ago i started a reddit page titled Jordan 4 Speaker under the name 'boxerpaws.' I had been looking forward to the day for a long time. I didn't think he would ever run.
it really has been hard to accept Jordan won't be Speaker
We all had our expectations way up there.
My 2nd choice is running; if Jim hadn't stepped up Byron Donalds would have been my choice.
He's running and i'm definitely going to support him. I supported McCarthy when he ran.
Not my 1st choice. Not even under consideration but he got the votes and he wasn't a terrible choice.
Of course i'm probably delusional calling any of these people our choice as if it matters much whether we support them or not. i can tell you John Boehner and Paul Ryan were far from people we wanted.
The worst part during this race was when the Republicans decided to pull a fast one and put up an interim Speaker with this McHenry character.
How low can you stoop? It was a totally ridiculous idea and only they could come up with it.
I would have still liked to believe we had some say in who the Republicans picked. Now it's dawned on me they expect us to be specators until it's time for their re-election.
i also have to admit my language on Twitter/x has sunk. The problem is i have come to believe that one short F-U to the liberals is the best response. Dan Bongino is right. Cutesy time is over.
There's honestly no point in trying to reason with these people. i could try to put up a good argument but it's a waste of time. They post garbage and the minute i read it the F Bomb is the first thing that comes to my mind.
i figure i may as well say it as to think it. i suppose i should try to get a grip.
i know one thing i NEVER post and can't excuse. It's a call to violence. You don't use violence to acheive even a good result. The only justifiable use of violence is self defense if a life [including your own] is threatened. PERIOD.
It's going to take time to get over the Jordan loss. i really feel that terrible but we can't sit around feeling terrible.
We have to get the infamous 25 primaried and we can support a new candidate-above all we can't throw it to the Dems. i can see that as the worst case scenario and these 25 imbeciles don't seem to care.
Do what you like but i'm going to call them with a simple message. Thanks, you're now getting primaried. We can't just talk either. We have to make sure we get it done. In Liz Cheney fashion too. i'm sure you know what that means. If not, i refer you to the Harriet Hageman 'Fed Up' speech at the Trump rally.
Simple but Effective
The 'Fed Up' Speech
She beat Liz by a whopping 40 points. Historically the highest poll numbers by any candidate. i've been following her in Congress ever since and she is amazing. She's exceeded my own expectations but you seldom hear about her. i'm not sure why that is but i highly recommend watching the videos from her you tube channel She's definitely MAGA.
Here ya go: