When you agree with someone nearly 100% of the time there's bound to be one time you can't get on board. We've come to the one time. Hence the title.
Tucker is still awesome but he's come up with one really bad idea. Maybe it wasn't well thought out and he went with it anyway.
We agree that Nikki Haley is a terrible candidate. No way on earth i'd vote for her for POTUS. I might not vote for her for anything but i know for certain-not for POTUS.
Ok, I'm biased. I wasn't going to vote for anyone but Pres Trump anyway.
Let's suppose Trump decided not to run(highly unlikely of course) and he never entered the race. Would i vote for Nikki? The answer is still no. I have no idea who i could have gotten behind but we know now it wouldn't have been Nikki Haley.
How about for Trump's VP pick? Could i support that?
Keep in mind a rumor got started he was considering her. He wasn't. I'd credit this asinine rumor to a Never Trumper.
Someone wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the MAGA movement and they thought this would do it.
Could have been the Biden regime trying to drive a wedge in MAGA; it could have been the Desantis campaign too. Could have been anyone hoping to get a fued going.
He's NOT picking her. Relax folks-he didn't call her bird brain for nothing.
Now up to this point Tucker Carlson and i are on the same page. Now we get to turn it to the next one.
Let's suppose Trump did pick her.Tucker said he couldn't vote for Trump with her as VP and he would do everything in his power to stop it [meaning the presidency of Donald Trump].
He's not talking about the primaries that begin in January. He's talking about the general election.
Here'a where we part company.
What if Trump did pick her. i'd say he was certified crazy for doing so. Of course, he's free to pick whoever wants, even her.
He gave her the name 'bird brain' long before the rumor started so i'm positive she's never been up for consideration. We all know very well if Trump brands someone they're not getting in his inner circle ie Crooked Hillary. The story was fake from the beginning. You're lucky to get any real news from our media and it's going to be worse in 2024. Never trust anyone named anonymous.
However, I don't care if Trump's running mate is rocky the squirrel. I'm voting for him. What clout does the office of VP have? What role does the VP play other than being a tie breaker in Congress?
Haley is as milqtoast as Pence was. You'd hardly even notice she was there.
We have a country to save. We can work out 2028 when the time comes. Let's worry about getting Trump into office first.
IMHO the VP role is overblown. I understand that if anything were to happen to the President the VP would step in. i get that.
It's the one role of the VP that actually has some signifigance; but Trump is only serving a 4 yr term. i don't think it has as much signifigance it would have if it were a possible 8 yr term.
The VP spot doesn't necessarily lead to a future role in the White House. It has but it's not guaranteed either. We'll have time to consider a good candidate for 2028. You never know who will step forward by then.
i'm not sure why Tucker is making such a big deal about it. i wouldn't care for it either but it's not such a big deal that i'd shoot down Trump's chances of winning over it.
You're either with Trump or you're not. Buckle up-loyalty is going to matter. We don't want Biden getting another 4.
There isn't a Democrat i could think of i want sitting in the White House. Biden just happens to be the worst. We can't afford one more day than we have to put up with.There won't be a republifc left.
We'll be fortunate if we make it through 2024. Anyone up against BIden would be the lesser of 2 evils. It's not an expression in this case. He truly IS evil.
We can see who would continue the Trump legacy by 2028. [He's likely to endorse a good candidate after his term].
MAGA has to be totally focused on his winning in 24. The Deep State is going to throw everything at him.He's right calling it the final battle.
The higher up he goes in the polls the harder they are going to fight.
We're ready to fight back.
We're not going to waste time and effort on these little skirmishes they try to drum up.
We have to be cautious about this. They know the one way they might defeat us is to get MAGA fighting amongst ourselves.
I know a lot of people are starry eyed over Vivek. I'd watch my back with him. Yes, he's a good debater. i'll give him that.
Trump hasn't attacked him at all but i think that's only because Vivek has played his cards right. He knows better than go negative on Trump. You attack Trump he strikes back twice as hard.
Vivek is a smooth talker. Obama was like that too. He was a smooth talker. He got socialism over on the country and won 2 terms.
i don't see that Vivek has actually done [key word,DONE] anything in the past to give him conservative MAGA cred.
Besides, he said Trump was a great President. If he believed Trump were as great as he says then why didn't he just support Trump then endorse him?
Why run against the President and try to take him out if you thought he was so great? Doesn't that make bettter sense? See,that's why i'm not buying it. Doesn't ring true.
A year ago-for some even a few months ago-nobody knew the guy from Adam now he's suddenly running for President? I can only think of one word; snake.
Anyway, i have to part company with Tucker re Haley. I do not want her as VP anymore than he does. On that point we're simpatico.
When it comes down to the election i'm voting Trump come hell or high water irregardless of his VP pick. It'd be great if he picked someone i like or someone you like but the main and only thing is his getting elected.
The VP pick won't matter much after that. Never does.
The speculation gives the media something to work up into a big story.
