What do Nikki Haley, Ron De Santis, Chris Christie all have in common . Not one of them had anything especially good to stay about Pres Trump. They didn't necessarily say anything bad but they did throw shade his way while he was already under attack from the Dems.
There was one candidate who popped up by saying he (Trump) was a great President. Now who would that be? Vivek Ramaswamy. MAGA took notice. Some got all starry eyed. Vivek was on their side.
Now ask yourself an obvious question. If Vivek thought Trump was so great why was he running against him? The truth is Vivek is no better than Haley, DeSantis or Christie. He just knew enough to pretend to be MAGA.
Get what Vivek is doing? Why is he trying to stir up a civil war in the MAGA movement at the last moment and then do the "but i'm an angel (patting himself on the back)-it's not me" act.He's the worst kind of liar.
Then he was so magnanimous he would pardon Trump. WOW, right? Wrong. Hell no. There's only 1 way he would be in a position to pardon Trump. Vivek was basically saying elect me-NOT Trump.
I never heard of this guy before. I know some people had heard of him. He's putting himself out there as a MAGA conservative. Ok..Where was Vivek at MONTHS ago. Where's this track record? Oops. Has none.
He's a smooth talker though isn't he? One problem; All his talk is Trump policies. It's not hard to be a copy cat. You take all of Trump's policies and run on them and that makes you MAGA? I don't think so.
He reminds me of Obama in a lot of ways. Unheard of? Yep. Smooth talker? Yep. Track record? Not really. A fresh face? Yep.
So fresh we never heard of him until he ran for President.
Obama was like that too although he did have some background being a community activist and Senator.
Vivek got some help starting out from The Soros family. He scrubbed the information off the internet and makes excuses about itl. When you only rub elbows with some of the Soros family that's enough.
The big question though is, why is he helping the Biden regime by giving legitimacy to their lawfare against Trump? If Vivek thought Trump was such a great President and he's being sincere why didn't he just support Trump? You know why? Simple. He's not sincere.
He didn't fool me. Had him pegged right off the bat. You think Trump is great? Ok...You get behind him 100% You don't pull a DeSantis or Haley and oppose him in the primary. Poor way of showing someone you support them.
Why is he (Vivek)waiting around to see if they nail Trump? You know that's why all these candidates,including Vivek, jumped into the race.
They're not standing up for Trump. I don't care what Vivek says either. Talk is cheap. He's putting on an act in his own self interest. He's no different than the rest of them and no better.
I can't believe the starry eyed people falling for this guy thinking he's MAGA and he's on their side.
He also threatened to go 3rd party if he didn't get the nomination. Talk about being a baby. Pick up your toys and go home little man.
I'm 100% sure i've got this guy pegged. He's a phony but he's slick.
Back in 2023 i was listening to my favorite early morning radio show from Flordia. The Steve Kane show with host Brian Craig.
He's fantastic. Tune in sometime. Check out the videos i have from his podcast.
Anyway, i called in once under the pseudonym Pat from Pa. (my you tube name is Agent 99).I don't make a habit of calling in but this time i had to get a word in about DeSantis.
I'd been watching him since Trump had left office. I told Brian and Steve he was a ruthless opportunist and that he would run against Trump.
Sure enough; had him pegged. He stabbed Trump in the back. So this is my warning about Vivek. Don't let him take away votes from Trump. Watch your back.
Trump is going to beat the BIden regime. You vote-we win. You stay home or throw away your vote on a snake like Vivek-they win.
Biden is toast. People remember the country under Trump. We can stay the course and tune out the noise.