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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

What the Republicans Want

they[the GOPe aka the uniparty] keep insisting we should take MAGA without Trump. Their reasoning is, that is what they want us to think, is that maga is bigger than Trump. What they're really saying is they know they need the maga vote to win so ditch Trump and vote for them. I know some day Trump will be gone. We all face the inevitable end of our lives-they always bring that up too. What will you do when Trump is gone they say so we may as well ditch him now. MAGA will go on after him,[ if we pick the right candidates]no argument there, but he's still here so it's a stupid talking point.

We all know McConnell wants to get rid of him and he probably has a decent size group in the Senate that will line up behind him. We know DeSantis wouldn't mind if Trump were sent to prison. They're all waiting like vultures. There isn't a candidate who can win without us and they know it so they're hoping the Democrats can get rid of him.

The other tactic they're using is an effort to either divide the base or peel off some of the staunchest loyal Trump supporters. They figure if they can get even a few of us maybe his support would start to taper off altogether. Like a barrel rolling down hill so to speak. I think the very definition of loyal happens to mean you stick with someone through thick and thin. The DeSimps have been hammering away trying to cause a divide. The Governor should have known this could happen and didn't care. i don't see a huge divide on the horizon. Not one big enough to matter so long as Trump's numbers go up and DeSantis numbers go down.The more these DeSimps come after us the more annoyed we get. It's going to backfire on them because we're like our 'President; standing firm, with conviction.

they're like mosquitoes. i found a sure way to deal with em. BLOCK. Ronny could have used a few classes on what loyalty is.

Note: i should have clarified what i meant by Republicans. i'm not referring to us, the rank and file. i mean the party apparatus and those who are loyal to it.

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