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Writer's pictureNoBull_Lady

Which America Would YOU Prefer To Live In? Part I Biden's

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

Let's continue to live in Joe Biden's America. You're free to choose it of course. I will tell you what it looks like and you can tell me i'm wrong. Then you can tell me you like what you see. Part II will be Trump's America and what that will look like.

You can be any gender you choose. Boys can be girls,girls can be boy,women can be men, men can be women. Men can have babies. A parent has no right to determine this choice for their children.

The only way i can think of to take this right away from the parents is to deem them unfit to raise their children and place them with someone who will let them transition.

A man can transition and has the right to participlate in women's sports. Does it matter how hard women have trained to break the women's records? No. if a transitioned man happens to break the records he wins.

She needs to work harder.

The state will tell schools what to teach and decide at which age a child should be exposed to sexual materials.

They must learn CRT. If the school chooses to eliminate Math, Reading and Science it's their prerogative. The parent has no right to protest at the school board meeting. They will be arrested;they are a domestic terrorist.

If a social media platform puts out any information that contradicts what the state deems is acceptable they will be censored for misinformation.

Be sure to make yourself aware of what is accepted as information and what is considered misinformation. The media will help you determine both. Consider their reporting a PSA.

The executive branch-that is the President-will determine the wars we are to support and how we will support them.

You may not protest for a cause the state does not deem acceptable. Should you question any election, unless THEY determine it is illegal, you will face a prison sentence [that] the DOJ chooses.

You will use the the type of energy the state permits and that means any new purchases you wish to make must be in compliance with federal regulations.

All elections will be conducted by federal law only. The states may only enforce the election laws the federal government has passed.

The state legislature does not have the right to determine election laws. They can pass laws but an outside office may, with the approval of the federal government, change those laws.

Major social media platforms will work with federal law enforcement agencies ie FBI to make sure any information that could be shared with the public is not misinformation.

If it is the law enforcement agency has the right to request it be censured or censure it for them if that material is also in their possession.

The executive branch, again the President, has the right to determine which immigration laws will be enforced or not enforced. The President also reserves the right to cancel student debt and over ride the rulings of the Supreme Court if necessary.

The Constitution will remain the law of the land but the executive branch may from time to time for the good of the general public at least suspend the laws as written in the Constitution.

The people will still have the right to keep and bear arms with limits on such things as ammunition determined by the executive branch. You may not use these arms for any activity outside of hunting.

The cities will defund the police, give people the right to loot up to a designated amount and depending on the circumstances give individuals or groups the right to disrupt another groups or individuals actiivities IF the federal government designates it as acceptable;generally the executive branch will determine this.

The DOJ will defer to the executive branch in all cases. The President is the de facto director of the Justice Dept.

The President will determine how to designate political groups and the DOJ will see to it those groups are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

if the President determines any group is a terrorist group federal law enforcement will persue that group and the Justice Dept will indict whether the members act as a group [or organization] or as an individual.

In certain cases the FBI may make a request to the FISA courts to surrveil U.S. citizens if the President does not prohbit it; bascially he gives the FBI leeway.

The intel agencies may decide what to do with that information; they can refer it to the Justice Dept. The Justice Dept can decide to call a Special Counsel to do an investigation.

BTW. Most of what is mentioned here has already happened. Some is a real possibility going forward.

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