Rep. Matt Gaetz is holding our current Speaker's feet to the fire. We'll begin with Gaetz.
Contract with America, a document signed Sept. 27, 1994, on the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C., by members of the Republican minority before the Republican Party gained control of Congress in 1994. The “Contract with America” outlined legislation to be enacted by the House of Representatives within the first 100 days of the 104th Congress (1995–96). Among the proposals were tax cuts, a permanent line-item veto, measures to reduce crime and provide middle-class tax relief, and constitutionalamendments requiring term limits and a balanced budget. With the exception of the constitutional amendment for term limits, all parts of the “Contract with America” were passed by the House, under the leadership of the speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.
The Contract with America is similiar to what Jim Jordan of Ohio always says, do what you say you are going to do. This is why the folks just love Trump. He said he would do A,B and C and he did most of what he promised.
What's amazing about Pres Trump is the opposition he faced and that he accomplished anything at all. It wasn't always flack from the other party. There were several never Trumpers in the Senate and a few in the House. Throw in the Russia Hoax and one impeachment.
What the folks don't like is someone who is all talk or as some say, all hat and no cattle.i thought it might have been a great idea to follow Newt's model and sign an agreement with a pledge to the American people.
I was hoping Jim Jordan would get elected Speaker the last time around but for some reason his name never comes up. i don't get that.
Gaetz is right to be upset with McCarthy if he made an agreement with his own House colleagues to do certain things as Speaker and isn't doing them.
I'm upset with the Republicans in the House because they've left Pres Trump out to dry and the J6 prisoners to languish in prison with excessive sentences and lack of due process.
They don't seem to be grasping the battle we are in.
We have all these pressing issues and McCarthy lets them leave on vacation. We already have a fake President that has spent just short of half of his presidency on vacation.
Somebody better get with the program.
The impeachment inquiry is a good start. Now how about impeaching Garland and Mayrokas? Defund the FBI and DOJ.
Shut the government down if necessary. Don't capitulate this time. Mark Levin pointed out that Ronald Reagan let them shut down the government 6x. IMHO they make a bigger deal of it than it really is and get the general public all worked up over nothing. The sky doesn't fall because the bureaucrats go home.
I hope the folks keep in mind that an impeachment doesn't mean the President is removed from office.
We can't have unrealistic expectations either.
an impeachment inquiry is not a requirement in the Constitution. The House can request an impeachment without one but the only President who has ever been impeached without an inquiry is Trump. Pelosi never did much by the book and the Republicans were always too wishy washy to stand up to her. Unfortunately her own party didn't care if they went by the book either-ethics isn't their forte. They always knew they had the media on their side & could get away with murder. We no longer have a free press. They're at the service of the state.
While Biden may not be removed from office this is going to bring his corruption to the forefront. Congress will have powers to do certain things they wouldn't normally be able to do.There are some powers that they are NOT going to have. Keep that in mind too. The government isn't run by wishful thinking. The liberals believe it is. Most of us live in the real world.
The Impeachment Process in a Nutshell
The House Judiciary Committee deliberates over whether to initiate an impeachment inquiry.
The Judiciary Committee adopts a resolution seeking authority from the entire House of Representatives to conduct an inquiry. Before voting, the House debates and considers the resolution. Approval requires a majority vote.
The Judiciary Committee conducts an impeachment inquiry, possibly through public hearings. At the conclusion of the inquiry, articles of impeachment are prepared. They must be approved by a majority of the Committee.
The House of Representatives considers and debates the articles of impeachment. A majority vote of the entire House is required to pass each article. Once an article is approved, the President is, technically speaking, "impeached" -- that is subject to trial in the Senate.
The Senate holds trial on the articles of impeachment approved by the House. The Senate sits as a jury while the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial.
At the conclusion of the trial, the Senate votes on whether to remove the President from office. A two-thirds vote by the Members present in the Senate is required for removal.
If the President is removed, the Vice-President assumes the Presidency under the chain of succession established by Amendment XXV [25].
Biden is not going to be removed. We have an election coming up and we can always remove him that way.It's too close to the election-if you were going to try and remove him it's something you probabhly should have done a year or two ago. The Democrats may pressure him into not running again. i doubt he's going to go for that unless he can be convinced he's going to lose anyway.
They [the Democrat, Marxist, Liberals]said they would have to drag Trump out kicking and screaming-they said they would bring in the U.S. Marshalls and remove him. Didn't happen. He had no intentions of refusing to leave. Now Joe is another story.
If he refuses to listen and Jill wants him to run the Democrats are going to be stuck with him and they'll do their best to cover up for him. Of course he'd have to campaign from his basement and they'll have to do something about Trump now. It's obvious that Joe knows that. It's why he's ordered his DOJ to get Trump.
i hope Gaetz gets on his colleagues about defunding Jack Smith et al. The House has the power of the purse. I'll be honest, i've never seen them use it, have you?
Matt Gaetz is a firebrand. He's not going to put up with the status quo.We have a few good people there who will keep McCarthy in line and make sure he does the job he signed up for as promised.
The Republican's don't care for people like Gaetz & Jordan. They like people who won't rock the boat too much.
The Senate Republicans are hopeless. They elected McConnell as their leader. All you need to know. McConnell should step down but he's too arrogant to give it up. Be cautious even if he does. He has his surrogates in there ready for Mitch 2.0. McConnel backed Pelosi more often than not. If you don't believe it just count the times they joined forces. You might be shocked. The 2 are the leaders of the uniparty.
Most of the Republicans in the Senate are Democrats-they just happen to run with an R in front of their name. One of them, thank God, is leaving. Romney is not running for a 2nd term meaning he knew he was going to have his butt handed to him by a challenger.
At least he didn't mention anything about wanting to spend more time with his family.
I trust Paul Sperry to post accurate information. If there's anything i have posted here that is incorrect pls take the liberty to correct me in a comment. Cite a source too, please.