Have a few questions for you.
You're a student protesting on the streets of America against Israel and the Jews so i was curious about your thinking.Do you know who was involved in the horrific attack of 9/11 when 3k people were murdered on U.S. soil?
I'll keep it simple and say it. Jihadists. You know who you are supporting with your protests? Jihadists.You may not know it but they do.
Do you know what it's called when you threaten, attack, intimidate and ostracize the Jewish students in your school? Try racism. You know who else did that? Take a guess* [educated guess].
Did you know about the Boston Bombers? Guess what those 2 were.
I bet you're ok with calling Pres Trump Hitler. Don't you find that a tad bizarre given your anti semitism and support of Hamas?
You do know that a jihadist in the Middle East will commit suicide in the hopes of taking out as many infidels as possible and their family is rewarded? The idea that Hamas cares about their own civilians is laughable.
What do they buy the weapons and weapons sytems with? Their good looks? How about those tunnels? None of this stuff is free. They could have fed their people with that money.
How do you feel when these people take down your American flag, burn it and put up the Palestinian flag?
You may be ok with saying Death to Israel. How do you feel knowing that they say Death to America in the same breathe?
My father,like many fathers, fought in WWII and defeated the Nazis.Thousands gave their lives to save freedom and defeat fascism.
When the horrors of the Holocaust were revealed the Western world said NEVER AGAIN.
How about that 2 state solution? Is that what they mean by 'from the river to the sea'? You've likely chanted it-you tell me.
Iran is working on a nuclear weapon. What do you suppose that is for or more accurately WHO is it for?
I hate to break the news to you but for your benefit maybe you need to hear it; you have become useful idiots for the jihadists.
*that would be Hitler. He adopted Margaret Sangers eugenics. He used it as a blueprint to annihilate the Jews.The plan was to build a superior race.Theirs of course.He was obviously evil.
Pres Trump and PM Netanyahu. Israel is a good friend and ally of the United States.