I normally don't do blog entries about celebrities.Not interested.
Our culture makes a big deal about these people. i have my own heroes and heroines and most celebrities haven't done anything to write home about.
i'm making an exception for the Russel Brand scandal because of the implications of his case, not so much because i'm 'star struck.' Hope that makes sense.
you have to begin here, with the premise that Brand is 'innocent until PROVEN guilty'.
Here's my problem with the alllegations. It's the same
problem i have with many of these kinds of allegations.
If it's a woman she must be believed. No,
if it's a woman she should be able to offer some kind of proof. It doesn't mean she has to have proof positive but she should have some kind of proof that it likely happened just as she's claming.
For example, she could have told a friend or family, she could have gone to the hospital, she likely called the police.
She can show she was with the accused at a particular time and place; maybe there were witnesses that could say they might have had an encounter.
Maybe the accused himself confided in a close friend of his own. Some men are known for bragging about their 'conquests.'
If all a woman has to do is accuse a man can you imagine the kind of damage that could do including destroy a man's life? The unintended consequence of this kind of thinking is the damage it does to women who really have been victims.
When a lie has been told often enough it becomes hard to believe when it's actually the truth. It's the boy that cried wolf story. This is not helpful to women who have been assaulted. The women who come up with false accusations aren't doing women any favors.
Finally, even if it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man was inniocent it's not going to matter.
People will always be suspicous amd wonder.
This is going to sound terrible but if it's proven that the accuser lied and made up the allegations she should be charged with a crime-ie filing a false report,libel and slander.
It would give more credibilty to women who really have been victims and discourage women from making false accusations.
I've watched women destroy men for finanicial reasons, others for political reasons and some for revenge.
I don't know what Russel Brand did or didn't do.
He admits he was very promiscious years ago but claims it was consensual.
My thinking is that a man who was that promiscuous and had plenty of willing partners he's probably telling the truth. Again, i'm not 100% sure anymore than anyone else is.
I do know they did it to Herman Cain as he was poised to become the Republican nominee for the General Election. I was heartbroke when Herman suspended his campaign.
Now he wasn't accused of rape or harrassment. He was accused of having extra marital affairs. You could see how hurt his wife was but we never knew if he really had the affairs.
I do know he cared about the affect it had on her and the family and that's why he dropped out. i wasn't sure myself but with Bill Clinton's record it didn't seem right that he was held to a different standard.
The women vanished after he made the announcement about his campaign. They were never heard from again.
It was a tough day for all his supporters. i'm sure it wasn't a pleasent day for him or his family.
They did it to Bret Kavanaugh when he was going through the nomination process.
They did it to Clarance Thomas when he was going through the nomination process, like Kavanaugh, to be a justice on the Supreme Court.
It was so nasty too. He and his wife went through hell. The whole drama was televised day after day. I don't know how they got through it except they had to be people of faith and have a strong marriage.
The woman suddenly came out of the woodwork and as soon as it was all over she vanished. I hated to even see Gloria Alred showing up. She always seems to be around at just the right moment.
I have listened to some of Brand's podcasts. i can't say as i knew much about him outside these podcasts.
All i'm saying is maybe all the allegations are true. Maybe all the allegations are false. i'm going to presume he's innocent until proven otherwise and admit i don't really know. i have doubts he's guilty but i wouldn't bet the farm either way.
Let's be honest. It's the easiest way to destroy a man's life-that's fine for the guilty. It's not fine for the innocent. A good man like Clarance Thomas did not deserve what he went through, nor did his wife.
The idea that because it's a woman it must be believed is nonsense. The idea that accusations are not to be taken seriously is egrigious. Of course they are and that's the point.