Up front-did NOT watch the SOTU address. They are always the same. "The State of the Union is strong."
Ok, i got it.
i knew there would be clips of it on Twitter/X anyway. What lie could Uncle Joey tell us that we haven't already heard from him?
He has to attack MAGA.I didn't need to watch him to know that. We're domestic terrorists.Meanwhile,the presidential motorcade to the Capitol [for this 'monumental' address] was blocked by pro Hamas supporters.
Theyre ok. No gulag for them. They only blocked an official proceeding in the Capitol aka an insurrection.
Rep Jamaal Bowman-Democrat- got away with it too:
No gulag for him either.They're "investigating" which means story buried.
Biden did give a hint what his campaign would be focusing on. Abortion. Is this the main concern of the American people? He thinks he'll get Trump on that one.
Yes, Roe v Wade was overturned during the Trump [2016] term in office, thanks to his appointments. I don't know why Biden and the Democrats are making a big issue of it like it's the main issue in the mind of the American people.
All overturning Roe v Wade* did was send it back to the states to decide; where it should have been all along.
NO, there is not a nationwide ban on abortion. If someone wants an abortion they can get one. They can have as many as they like.
I wouldn't federalize it. If Biden can do it so can a pro life Republican President. Leave it alone and let the states decide.Not one taxpayer dime for Planned Parenthood though. If you support abortion, you donate.
There was one thing that surprised me. I knew he might bring up Ukraine but figured it'd be brief. Oh hell no, was i ever wrong! He went on and on to thunderous applause and a sublime nod from Speaker Johnson for the war.
Did any of these people-Rep or Dem- bother to ask us if we want our money used for Ukraine? Can they account for any of it?
i have some questions too. Is the war even winnable?
Is our support of Zelensky just prongling an unwinnable war?
i'm no fan of Putin but to be honest i don't care much for Zelensky either. I don't trust him.PERIOD.If Biden was trying to telegraph strength and resolve to Putin it's too little, too late.He's only going to aggravate Putin and possibly escalate the war.
We know Biden too well. He's all talk and when he does talk it's usually one big lie. You can be sure Putin has sized him up.
I got the impression from the clips i've seen and what i've heard that Biden spent more time talking about other countries and issues that have nothing to do with the United States and our concerns.
The SOTU address every President does is mostly a self praise session. The people in the audience clap like seals when it's their guy.
They're usually not very memorable. I've skipped em more often than not. The Democrats make fools of themselves every time.
The one i do remember is from an address by Pres. Clinton whe said with deliberate judgment.
"the era of big government is over. Say what you like about Bill, he wasn't a terrible President. Biden has nearly destroyed our country.
We may remember Marjorie Taylor Green more from last night's SOTU than anything when she rightly called him out.
Dan Bongino had a few things to say about the confrontation.
Thank God this was likely Biden's last one. I will watch Pres Trump when he gives his SOTU. I wouldn't miss it for anything.
*Even ultra liberal justice RBG considered Roe V Wade lame.